A place i could call home

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  I ran for the showers and took the quickest shower of my life. Putting on some new jeans and a camp half blood shirt that I got yesterday.

   When I got back to the cabin Percy was standing with our bags and two horses were swooping down.

   "Why is porkpie here?" Percy asked.

   He's been following me around boss, he keep hoping y'all would need us soon, kinda annoying actually.

   Porkpie trotted over to me and nudged his head into my hand.

   I've claimed her, you can't be the only one with a human blackjack.

  "Fine be me dude." I said.

"Yeaaa that's what up." Porkpie cheered, I think he cheered.

   We quickly mounted and rode through the sky. Arriving at the city and landing outside a building.

   I shock as We dismounted, knowing what was waiting inside.

   "Thanks Porkpie."

Anytime! Good luck chicka, and he left with blackjack.

   "Come on, "Percy said grabbing my hand and dragging me up flights of stairs.

   We finally arrived at a door and I froze, not being able to take one step forward.

   I didn't have too because the door burst open and I got attacked into a hug.

   I struggled as I hugged back, I didn't usually hug people I didn't know, I had to remind myself that she was my mother.

   "Woah mom I'm feeling the love." Percy said behind us and a man appeared in the door way.

   "You got 14 years of it already Percy, wait your turn." And she pulled back looking over me as if she was taking in every single detail.   

  "Hi I'm Paul." The man said and shock my hand.


  "You have a strong handshake, I like that."

  "Thanks?" and we walked through the door.

    I didn't know what to do as I stood in the door way but Percy lead me to the living room area.

   "I'll be right back." Said Percy's mom arriving a few minutes later with blue cookies and milk.

   I picked one up and raised my eyebrow at it.

  Paul laughed and said, "it's been a running joke in the Jackson house hold long before I even was here."

  "Oh," I ate it, "it's really good, thank you."

And Percy's mom smiled.

    "So what exactly is going on?" Paul asked.

    For the next few hours Percy and his mom explained everything about me, leaving out the part of the gods because Paul didn't know. They explained who I was and how they found me at camp. Paul compared it to 'the parent trap'. They also created a plan, they were going to get me out of foster care system, take a dna test, and try and get me into 8th grade. They wanted me to move in and take the guest room.

   After Paul left, we also talked about Percys quest and the battle that took place at camp, and how he ran across me. In the end we gave stories about our lives. I decided to share everything that was good. I explained how I knew Mexican culture from a Mexican foster family that took me in and how I got into tamales and dances. I told them about a Italian family and how they talked to me about Europe and all the funny drama where they would scream at each other and make exaggerated hand gestures. we spoke about art and literature and the books I was never able to read because of my dyslexia but wanted too. This interested Paul before he left, who offered we read books together when ever we get the chance. He was especially glad that I wanted to learn about the stars and astronomy, Shakespearean literature, a book called Tuesday's with Morrie, philosophical stuff and history. I explained how I wanted to learn French and study music like old piano composers And artist like Michelangelo and Van Gogh. I told them stuff about myself I never told others.

    We talked about their traditions and inside jokes from blue food and vacations to this cabin on a beach that was special to them. They told me about smelly Gabe 'ulgy'iano and how Percy could never stay at a school more than a year. They talked about how Sally and Paul met in college and how Sally is a writer. They gave funny stories on how Percy got expelled on field trips and the types of quests he would go on. The talked about how Sally used to work at a candy store and Paul is a teacher. It ranges from anything to everything.

   By the time it was night, I truly felt like this was a place I could call home.

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