XXIII: The Clan Restoration Act

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Naruto Otsutsuki: "To be honest, I still have a plan to revive the Otsutsuki by using my new policy."

Hinata Hyuga: "What is that?"

Naruto Otsutsuki: "It's called the Clan Restoration Act?"

Hinata Hyuga: "Clan Restoration Act?"

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Yes. This new policy will help to restore my clan by marrying a number of women and have children and also grandchildren."

Hinata deadpanned.

Hinata Hyuga: "Why the hell would included Grandchildren? What am I, a Grandmomma?"

Naruto deadpanned.

Naruto Otsutsuki: "That's not what I meant. But I still need to discussed this with Aimi-sensei ever since she is the current Clan head master and she is the Princess of the Otsutsuki Clan."

Hinata sweatdropped.

Hinata Hyuga: "Aira is the Princess of the Otsutsuki Clan? I didn't know..."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "You already know that Aira is the most powerful clan member despite being one of the last remaining members of the Otsutsuki Clan."

Later, back at the Otsutsuki Compound.......

Aira Otsutsuki: "Clan Restoration Act is also the solution to our clan's problems ever since our clan is in danger of becoming extinct."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "What are your opinions?"

Aira Otsutsuki: "Well. This will be our new policy established within the Leaf Village. I might talked to the Hidden Leaf Village."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "I hope Lady Tsunade approved this new policy."

At the Hokage's Office....

Tsunade Senju (5th Hokage): "Clan Restoration Act? You want to revived your clan by using this policy?"

Naruto Otsutsuki: "This is exactly what I really wanted. Despite being one of the four remaining members of the Otsutsuki Clan. That's why I've been planning on marrying a number of kunoichi that were about the same age as me in the future."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Would you approved this new policy?"

Tsunade Senju: "Well I approved it. I bet your clan is probably the ancestral clan, the ancestor of the modern-day clans including my clan, the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan. So I will approved this policy but it's up to you two to implemented new rules and regulations in Clan Restoration Act."

Meanwhile, back at the Hyuga Clan.....

Neji Hyuga: "Clan Restoration Act? So Naruto plans to revived his clan by marrying a certain kunoichi."

Hinata Hyuga: "That's what he told me."

Neji Hyuga: "Well. If he's eagered to revived his clan, then we Hyugas don't bother but still supporting Naruto's decision."

Hiashi Hyuga: "Aira might be the one who can implemented new rules and regulations in order to revived the Otsutsuki Clan."

Neji Hyuga: "I agree with your father, Hinata."

Meanwhile, back at the Otsutsuki Clan, Aira assembled Naruto, Mio and Ayumi for a meeting.

Aira Otsutsuki: "We have a meeting regards to implementing new rules and regulations of the Clan Restoration Act."

Mio Otsutsuki: "We still support Naruto's marriage in the future."

Ayumi Otsutsuki: "I have to agree with you Mio."

Aira Otsutsuki: "I will start writing it a new implementation of our new rules regarding the Clan Restoration Act."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Let's start with the expansion of the compound."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Our clan compound is still vacant so expanding would be a great idea."

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