VI: The Preliminaries

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At the classroom, all the Genins are now on their respective seats. As Ibiki entered the seats.

Ibiki Morino: "My name is Ibiki Morino. I will be your proctor in the first round of your exams. The first one will be the written test. You will answered the first nine questions before you answered the tenth questions. I will give you ten minutes to answered the nine questions but those who caught cheated will be disqualified."

Now all the Genins are started to answering all nine-questions.

Naruto Otsutsuki: "This is an information gathering test."

Mio Otsutsuki: "Not bad."

Ayumi Otsutsuki: "It was very easy."

Mio Otsutsuki: "I understand now."

Ten minutes later.....

Ibiki Morino: "Everyone stop. Now we go for the tenth questions."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "What happens if they didn't answered the tenth question."

Ibiki Morino: "Well, if you all genins didn't answered or eventually gave wrong answer. That genin will fail and he and his teammates must leave."

Several Genins from the other Hidden Villages have left the room.

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Come one everyone! We need to pulled ourselves together in order to stay with this classroom."

Kiba Inuzuka: "I'm trying foxy boy."

Neji Hyuga: "Kiba. Naru. Focus."

Ibiki puzzled.

Ibiki Morino: "That kid convinced anyone to stay."

Fu sweatdropped.

Fu: "I'm getting a little nervous."

Gaara: "Patience is the key."

Chomei: "Shukaku. Keep am eye for Orochimaru."

Shukaku: "I still not detecting him just yet because he hasn't make a move just yet."

Chomei: "It'll better be."

Ibiki Morino: "For those of you who are all remained. You're all passed."

Temari: "What the hell?!!!"

Hidden Stone Genins: "Bull Shark!!!"

Temari: "Language Stone Ninja Lads!!!"

Mio Otsutsuki: "I don't understand why everyone is passed."

Ibiki Morino: "I'll explained the situation. The first nine questions were info gathering test."

Naruto deadpanned.

Naruto Otsutsuki: "I knew it."

Ibiki Morino: "In the ninja world, a ninja will sneaked into the territory of the enemy ninjas and got all the info details you have and escaped without noticed. However, if yourself a ninja got caught, you must not break under pressure or revealing infos to the other hidden villages."

Mio Otsutsuki: "Let me guess. Interrogation."

Ibiki Morino: "You are correct. That was the tenth question. In the tenth question is whether you can answer this question or not."

Fu: "Nice exam scar-faced baldy."

Ibiki sweatdropped.

Ibiki Morino: "Scar-faced baldy?"

Naruto and Gaara were deadpanned.

Gaara: "That same old Fu is totally a wild ass."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "He insulted the proctor who turned out to be the Head ANBU."

Gaara: "What a shame."

Ibiki Morino: "Hmm. Anko hasn't arrived here yet. Since the 2nd proctor is not here just yet, I can let you all have free time, talked to each other."

Ibiki heads outside.

Izumo Kamizuki: "Those White Moon Siblings are more genius than any other Genins. I didn't see them cheating so they used their knowledge in order to pass."

Ibiki Morino: "I see. Well we need to keep an eye on those three. They're very close to being number one candidate for the Chunin Promotions."

Kotetsu Hagane: "Those three are well-focused during preliminaries."

Ibiki Morino: "We shall see the results after the Chunin Exams."

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