I: The Beginnings

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Iruka Umino: "Team 13: Naruto Otsutsuki. Mio Otsutsuki. Ayumi Otsutsuki. Your team leader is Aira Otsutsuki."

Later, Aira meet Naruto, Mio and Ayumi at the roof.

Aira Otsutsuki: "Alright you three. State your name."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "My name is Naruto Otsutsuki. I like ramen and other kinds of foods and so as training. My future dream is to become the Seventh Hokage."

Mio Otsutsuki: "My name is Mio Otsutsuki. I like cooking , baking and training and so as gardening and harvesting vegetables. My future dream is to become not only an excellent kunoichi but also the greatest medical-nin."

Ayumi Otsutsuki: "My name Ayumi Otsutsuki. I like cooking and training. My future dream is to become both ANBU Captain and also the Captain of my own team squad in the future."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Alright you three. We shall go to the training grounds to start our training. I wanna see how good you three that you mastered all kinds of elemental jutsu."

At the training grounds, Aira assembled her team and start their first ever training.

Aira Otsutsuki: "Alright. Let's begin the jutsu testing."

Aira jumped into the tree.

Naruto Otsutsuki: 'Fire Style: Burning Ash!'

Ayumi Otsutsuki: 'Ice Style: Ice Barrier!'

Mio Otsutsuki: 'Earth Style: Mud Wall!'

Naruto Otsutsuki: 'Wind Style: Tornado Jutsu!'

Ayumi Otsutsuki: 'Water Style: Great Water Dragon Jutsu!'

Mio Otsutsuki: 'Lightning Style: Lightning Needles!'

Naruto Otsutsuki: 'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!'

Ayumi Otsutsuki: 'Water Style: Exploding Water Shockwave!'

Mio Otsutsuki: 'Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu!'

Aira Otsutsuki: "Excellent work. I will gave you three A-Grade."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Thank you Aira-sensei."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Tomorrow we will start our new mission because of your powerful elemental jutsu, probably we're gonna have a dangerous mission by tomorrow."

Nightfall, at the Otsutsuki Compound, Naruto, Aira, Mio and Ayumi were sleeping together even though Aira, Mio and Ayumi were descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the chakra founder.

(Dream World)

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Are we in the dream world?"

Aira Otsutsuki: "Obviously yes."

Kaguya Otsutsuki: "Hello there my three beautiful descendants."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Granny Kaguya?"

Mio Otsutsuki: "It's an honor to meet you."

Kaguya deadpanned.

Kaguya Otsutsuki: "I wasn't the only one here in your dream world."

Hamura Otsutsuki: "Hello there."

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Grandpappy Hamura and Grandpappy Hagoromo."

Hagoromo and Hamura were deadpanned.

Hagoromo Otsutsuki & Hamura Otsutsuki: "Please stop calling us grandpappy."

Kaguya Otsutsuki: "We came to your dream mindscapes to warned you about the group of noctorious criminals known as the Akatsuki. They planned to collect all the tailed beast in order to complete their plan called Project Tsukoyomi. They probably plotted to revived the ten-tails."

Aira Otsutsuki: "Granny. When will these happened?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki: "That would be in next five years because that's when the eruption of the Fourth Great Ninja War erupted."

Hagoromo Otsutsuki: "I just advised you four to trained harder in order to prepared for these upcoming threats."

Hamura Otsutsuki: "You four are our clan's only hope."

(End of Dreamworld)

Naruto Otsutsuki: "Our three ancestors have spoken to us."

Aira placed her barefoot on Naruto's face.

Naruto Otsutsuki: "What the hell?"

Aira Otsutsuki: "Kiss my barefoot."

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