Time to take breath

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"Just wait here I'll find him soon." Zach said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"No.. I'm not going to sit here..." I answered in distress.

"Look Ella I know you want to find him but look at yourself... You cant do anything like that.... Let me inform someone and I promise we'll find him really very soon." His words were convincing and promising. I just nodded in agreement.

I don't know how I'd done that but it happened I just hugged him tightly letting myself depend on him. He petted my back gently up and down reassuring me.

When I apart myself from him he ruffled my hair and it felt weird a blush formed on my cheeks. I put down my face to hide it. "I must go now, take care of yourself."

I tilted my head other side when he was gone..... My heart was beating rapidly when my mind was messing with me giving me bad vibes and hints bout worsen things.

I was at home.

"I can't wait and sit here.... I can't." I got ready to go out when my phone ringed and I got a call....

It was Adrian and when he informed me that he was in hospital in serious condition. It startled me, my hands and legs started to tremble, my palms got sweaty all of a sudden when I processed what he had told me I stood straight and ran out from the house to get to him.....


I was seated outside on bench in front of his room. I was not ready to face him. It had been hours since I got that call when I first reach there he was in ICU in worsen condition. I met Adrian he seemed very guilty. I didn't say anything 'cause it was not his fault but I was very furious, angry and sad so I didn't talk to him much.

I don't know but It feels like it was my fault if I didn't leave him there alone then he wouldn't be in this situation. Doctor informed me after some hours that he was out of danger and safely in good condition but my mind was not ready to face him...

I don't know but I was feeling nervous. "He's good and safe.... I really need to see him.... Okay!!"
I encouraged myself and get up from my seat.....

"So you finally got ready to see him." Zach who was stood next to me asked me again and I gave him a small nod. "It's okay don't get anxious too much." He uttered assuring me.

I just opened the door of his room slightly and got in. The only sound in that room I could hear was his heartthrobs which I could feel into me from miles away....

I walked toward his bed when I saw him I was totally broken, tears shedded down my cheeks automatically

that's why...... That's why, I just didn't want to see him.

He was on bed laying there silently and he was able to make me feel miserable.

I hate you from my heart's core.

"You, how can you be like that you did a mistake...... Just wake up and talk to me. How can you sleep so deeply. I want answer...... Today when I have many questions to ask....You're sleeping here like a mummy." I snapped controlling my tears and pointing him with my finger.

I settled myself on the edge of bed,"Look, I admit that I was waiting outside for you to wake up and call my name, you know that, how much my pride is important to me but look I'm here on my own I put my pride aside for you and I let you win over it but you're not answering me again." I complained and he didn't reply me.

"Ah.... Fine I remembered now, once you wanted me to grovel and now you want me to do it again." I held his hand and looked toward his face he was looking so pale. The bandage on his head, injuries and wounds on his body were looking so ugly, a tear escaped from my eye. I wiped it away with my hand and tried to calm down but one by one more tears started to gushed out. I held his hand more tightly and hugged him carefully crying my eyes out.

"I am begging you Please wake up." I whispered pleadingly in his ear


One day and a night was passed I spent whole night in hospital waiting for him to wake up but I got no response from him. He is a lazy bear.........

When Zach came in morning and find out that I didn't have anything he offered me last night to eat. He scolded me and I listened to him like a fool. After scolding me for sometime when I didn't say anything he just got up and went away from there. I thought that he was upset with me and got irritated 'cause of my behaviour

I was seated on the bench loosely like I was numb and emotionless statue. When he appear again he handed me a box and said,"Finish it fastly right now I'm watching you." He Commanded and without hesitating I started to eat 'cause I didn't want to trouble him more.

I finished the food silently and returned him back, the box, "Don't worry, He'll wake up soon, just give him some more time. He's just lil bit tired, you know that your husband is very hardworking that's why he used it as an opportunity to have full rest." He tried to convince me like I was a little girl.

I understand everything, it was just a lie but my heart wants to believe him. I glanced toward his face and he got little nervous. I took a breath and leaned back relaxing my back.

"No, he's really sick. That fool can't stay long without talking to me." I muttered closing my eyes.

"So you started to care for him." He asked me.

"No!!" I answered him directly. I could feel a little small smile on the corner of his lips.

"Oh! I thought you're gonna say yes but it's okay.... I know the real thing." He whispered.

Again I was on his room starring him and taking notes of his face. I made it on my mind that when he'll wake up, I am not going to leave him easily. I'm definitely gonna scold him but whenever I see his face I forget everything and wanted only one thing to wake him up, to hear his voice, to hug him, to tell him every feeling, and also wanted to scold him on his every little silly mistakes......

Slowly slowly I drifted down into sleep beside him.

"I miss you "

"Sometimes it happens when, when we have everything in front of our eyes that we want and we need but our pride and ego comes between it and we let it go but when we realize what we had and how we lose it easily. It's already too late."


decide and choose carefully what is more important....

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