24. Back to home....

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She did the right thing.... How can I....


Why I am in this mess.... I can't even express..  ...

Oh! God what I have done... I was feeling guilty and disappointed with myself. How can I be .... I offended her... She was.... I remember her face when she pushed me and flinch back... My heart shattered in pieces..... I was shocked, nervous and more broken..... Just at that moment I get up from there and come back home from there.

'Cause all was your fault..... You should be beaten for your doings...... Why I am feeling so warm inside me after remembering things I shouldn't....

                        I remembered that moment the reality of us. I just used to her as my wife that I totally forgot that what we are.... What was our relation...

Strangers not even friends ... And i

Actually in reality there was nothing between us.... Nothing at all.....

Then what was that..... You're feeling for her  right now... What was that feeling when you did these things with her.... 

Shut up you didn't even apologize to her .... I want to hit my head in wall...

No... They are just my feelings. I can't just force them on her. She wasn't in her right self right now... She have her past life and I don't know anything bout it. What if she have someone else in her heart and I was just......

Just a outsider....

She did the right thing with me.... She rejected me on right time and I came back to my reality....


I was just seated there on couch ..... No one said nothing to me... No shouting, yelling or scolding.... Aunt, zach they didn't utter a word.... Did they noticed the injuries 'cause no one asked me bout them..... I don't know why I was feeling disappointed.....

They didn't try to ask me and I wasn't going to explain if they ask me...  Nobody's there to notice me. So I simply  come back without telling anyone.... Why I care bout them I don't  need to tell anyone. I just came back to my house after so many days. I missed the deep silence  of this house.

Nobody was there, only me.... I don't need anything more then this silence and beautiful nature around me.....
I don't know what my mind wants... I just came outside and started to walk. I saw toward my feets. I was wearing some boots they Were in purple colour not in black,brown or gray..... And the clothes a yellow hoodie with denim shorts. My hair were open wildly unlike me.... I rolled my eyes in Exhaustion.

I sighed and walked again toward my friends house. I want her help to heal my wounds...


I knocked on the wooden door. After knocking three times a face appear peaking from the other side. She smiled when she saw me. I don't want to read anyone mind so I shut my mind so it can't process to someone else's mind.... Sometimes it was hard to shut that side of my mind but I get control on it.....

" Hey.... So finally you remembered that one of your friend lives in your neighbor" She said taunting me then engulfing me in sudden hug.

" Umm... Ah.. " I was opening and closing my mouth 'cause I don't know what to say. I cleared my throat then push my self a little away from her.

"Yeah, will you help ... I want your help" I muttered more like politely rolling my eyes upward.

"Of course I do... My pleasure " She mentioned.

" Can I come inside now "

She nodded her head and make place for me to go inside. I get inside and she came after me. When I saw around the house many things were changed there.... The wall colours, the other stuffs and more cleaned and decorated..... I eyed her curiously twitching my eyebrow upward a little....

Then I heard someone yelling from inside " Baby where are you I'm waiting here for you"

I saw toward bell in eyes and she got blushed.

" Oh... Who's the guest here " He yelled again coming toward our side. I can't see his face cause my back was facing him...

Then he came in my front.... I blinked eyeing him up and down.  He was wearing some colorful clothes like blue  shorts with a orange T-shirt and I know who was him. The most weird and annoying person in this world........

" Hi! Oh Ella is here " He exclaimed shouting out. I got terrified seeing him so excited then he did what I don't want him to do. He came forward and hugged me. I was shocked and it felt so weird and uncomfortable.

Then in a moment he got flinched back from me. It was bell who pull him back...

" Eliot, where are your manners.... You know she don't like that type of stuff " She said scolding on him. Sweat form on his face when she started to yell on him. I don't know but it was so funny that i can't control on my self and a laugh scaped from my mouth.

There  gazes shifted my side. They were looking at me with wide and amusing eyes. Then I realized...

What I was doing.... I'm doing more and more weird things.... Ah....

I stopped laughing and make a serious face " Oh... If you remember you promised to help me" I uttered.

"Oh Of course I remembered.. Pardon me " Bell blurted. She grab Elliot by his shoulders and push him forward a little " Say sorry to her " She whispered.

" Hey, El.... I mean Ella I'm sorry... Forgive me or she...that Lady will never leave me.. " He babbled pleadingly pointing toward bell.  " She will snatch my food from me and she'll never give me what she promise....."

" You remembered right what you promise " He whispered lowly to bell showing his teeths and guess what bell, she blushed hardly. Her ears were flushing red.... " You know Ella what she promised.... " Before he can say anything bell shut his mouth by covering it with her hand.

" Shut up... Or I .... " She snapped giving him warning look. " Or forgot already what I promise before " She mentioned looking in his eyes. Elliot got panicked and shook his head in no.....

" Good .. " She pet him on his head massing his hair with a triumphant smile.

My mind got lost in some memories and I smiled remembering him.......
I come out from mind and glanced toward them. I felt some emotions babbling inside me..... It was terrifying....

They are cute....

Shut up sometimes I felt like killing  that voice in mind... I hate it... It always get in my nerves..... I was boiling in anger.....


" Oh my gosh.... Jesus Christ.... Ella what have you done with your hands " She gasped when she saw my hands.

" Don't tell me that they did some horrific crime and you tried to torture them..... They are your hands not some criminal whom you treat that way " She yelled.

Yes they attempt a crime by not obeying me

" Hold it okay. . .. It'll hurt " She said holding my wrist tightly. I gasp in pain when her energies get through me like fire burning in my bones.... The pain got unbearable and I scream breathing hardly. Bell made her grip on my wrist more tighter so I can't flinch it back.... Her eyes were nature green like deep forest

Then my hands started to heal it self when she leave them and I felt relieved......  I wasn't know before that it can hurt that much..... I was feeling relieved but more tired and sleepy. I know it was her energies who were just take over on my body and y energies come to a low level ....


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