15. More attachment More pain.

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Hello lovely tulips..

In morning when I woke up. Like always I touched my other side to find her without opening my eyes and as always she wasn't there. Suddenly I started to miss her warmness but I was waiting for her to come and wake me up. It was like my daily routine I always wake up early but wait for her to come and wake me. Her voice is like refreshment for me, every morning and her face, when I see her face good things happen....
Waiting like 15 minutes with closed eyes. She reached the door and she was outside of door.. I don't know how but I can feel her presence if she used to be near me, a smile formed on my face at her arrival but I hid it. I wanted to heard her yelling..

"Ray, wake up..Come on it's time for your office.." She yelled.

"Yah.. You lazy ass.. Wake up" This time she said and shook me.
Yeah that's her..

"Ng.. I want to sleep more" I said lazily.

"Shut up and wake up already" She said and sat me up on bed.

"You're being a kid these days, you know." She mentioned. I opened my eyes to see her face and smiled toward her and nodded.

She messed my hair already messed with her hand,"Now get up and take a shower first." She said. She grabbed my hand for standing me up then pushed me toward the bathroom from back side. I took my time in shower. When I came back, my breakfast was ready already so I taste it. Ah.. This time her food was good. I was eating when Ella come hurriedly.

"Ray, eat fastly..You'll be late for work if you're gonna eat your food with this speed." She said placing a lunch box on table.

"You made lunch for me." I asked her.

"Yep." She answered nodding her head happily "Be hurry....Ya where's your tie."

"Umm..I don't know!!" I said shaking my head.

"What.. Are you really?..!" She stopped in middle and ran to our room.

She came back after pretty minutes. I was just knotting my shoe laces. She came forward and grabbed my hand and stood me straight on my place and placed the tie around my neck and knotted it...

"Finally..!" She said exhaling. I was starring her.

"What are you staring at me? now go." She said pointing the door.

"Oh.. Right.. Do I really have to go?" I asked with a sour face.

"Yep!" She said handing me my lunch box and my office bag in my hand.

"Go!" She said closing her eyes without looking at me.

"Okay.. Bye have a nice day." I wished her and took my leave.

I was outside when I remember something I just forgot about it so I came back to my house. When I approached, Ella was seated on sofa but when she saw me, she stood on her feet.

"Hi, I just forgot something." I said reaching her.

"Oh...What is it..?" She asked.

"Oh... Nothing important."

"Umm.." Before she can say anything I gave her a sudden kiss on her lips and petted her on head.

"Have a very good day." She was just stood there shocked. When I was leaving I seek on my backside. A small smile formed on her face. I smiled too and took my leave from there.


It was weekend so we, Liam and me decided to have some fun. Umm..Liam and her childhood friend and also my friend Ava. They both are dating each other. It was good after, what Tory did with him. She blamed him that he didn't give her his attention but in reality she was cheating on him and they broke up with each other. Every thing happened for good.

I mean I knew what they felt for each other and I just got that news recently about they're dating each other, actually three days ago. It was raining and I was going home back from office when I saw Liam's car on road so I thought he could give me a ride to my home. He knows the way to my home. sometimes he dropped me there, when he have time. I approached his car. I saw him and ava making out in the rain , that day was the funniest day ever. I knocked on his car's door when they saw me. They're faces were red as hell. I didn't have any intentions to embarrass them. I just wanted to go home early and safely.....That's it....

At that day when zach came home. I was going to inform her about the plan of celebrating weekend outside but I forgot to inform her so I called her on her new phone which I recently gifted her after the Ella's losing incident and inform her about it..

When she picked up and I informed her about the plan. She got excited. I think 'cause it's our first time to go out together... I'm happy too..


Z a c h a r y

Ella I was thinking about her. When she was going to be back. I mean her memories.. When she's going to be back.. It didn't mean that I didn't like the new her.. I like very much but I was just worried about her future... She was my bestie.. I mean we are together from our child hood and do things with each other. I can be worried about her after all I'm only one here for her.. No no including my mum.. She loves her too and care for.. We are her only family and she's my.. Our family..
At his house when I saw her worrying, panicking, crying for him. I got tensed. She was trapping herself more and more with time.. I remembered when were playing Rayne chasing her.... I was thinking about her sitting on couch... They so into each other that they forgot about me being here...

. I remember the look when she came to me crying.. She grab my hand and drag me. I was confused what was she doing. She was just pointing towards the door murmuring something..
And her shocking, angry but relaxing look when she finds out that rayne he was fine and well... Actually it was her care.. Or love who blinded her. even she didn't use her senses to think that it was just a prank on her....

I was watching her movements from far.. She was doing well with her work... Well Ella didn't like doing works before. She always busied her self with her practices. It was her first priority....

Only sometimes she got rest for herself when I forced her to make time for herself but always her first priority was her work... I was with her in her every thing. I fought with her sorrow, her angry mood, her bad moods...l always the one to deal with her....'cause I know underneath her she was broken and I know she always said bad things to me but I know she was just being tough, I know she cares when I wasn't there for her. She doesn't say anything but when I was with her she felt cared and loved... I don't want her to feel loneliness and uncared.I only want her happiness....

But with him she just can't be happy. In the end she have to vanish his memories of her from his mind.. But it didn't matter... The most things that Matters was her... What about her... Her heart it will broke and she can't do anything about it... She have to leave everything in the end...

I don't want her to be attached with him 'more attachment bring more pain..


More worries.....

What will happened...

Will she really going to remove his memories forever and live alone...

Will she ever be happy without him...

Can rayne Ever know the missing part of his life...

Continue reading to know....

Happy journey...




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