19. Remembrance

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"It's time to open your eyes. " I reminded myself.

I opened my eyes and grabbed my head with the help of my hand I didn't know why but my head was bursting badly. I had many works to finish today. I was feeling tired when I woke up and sat myself on the bed. It felt like I was sleeping from ages and woke up just now.

I wasn't like that. I don't think about little thinks so I ignored the pain and shook my head. I was fine now and feeling a new flood of energy inside me.

I noticed something when I saw the sheets of the bed. I shook in realisation then I look around to confirm myself that I was kidnapped or something. I was safe and immune in familiar place. I saw there was someone on bed's other side. I saw it was a man. I alerted myself.

If he'd sound harmful for me then I'm going to take action. I moved slowly to him. I leaned a little to analyse him. He made a movement and I took a step backward. I charged my hand by my energy. I was bout to attack him by My powerful energy . I realized he was just an human. He was looking so innocent while sleeping.

" F*ck what I was thinking?" I stepped away from him. I don't know but I was feeling that something's missing maybe I was forgetting something, something important or essential.

"No.. No..  Right now nothing is important more then escaping from here " I shook my head.

How can I be so dumb. I should know that if he captivated me here then he should be ready to defeat me. Everyone who knows me know that what I was and what I was capable of...then the question was that, what was I doing there?

when I tried to remember the things my head started to hurt. Ah..! everything was wrong there and everything was wrong with me.

"I am expert with mind. It was my gift to control ones mind and now my mind wasn't in my control."

"Zach... Is that your doing... If it is, then I'm going to kill you, you punk." I said to myself in anger.

I remember when I was with him at his house, he asked me to come and have fun with him. He asked me to come in party with him. It's possible if he made me to go with him at that party then  he got me a drink. I never got drunk before 'cause I wasn't allowed to do.  That's why my mind wasn't in situation to process things....

" Zach... You bastard, you made your life's biggest mistake by messing 'round with me. You will pay for it." I uttered in my breath.

First I had to escape from there then I'll think about Zach's  punishment. I saw around me and slap my head by my hand when I saw at sleeping dead body's side. I mean a sleeping boy's body. My ears got red in embarrassment when I realized where I was sleeping before. I did my composer right 'cause I'm a trainer of soldiers. I should be in control in every situation. I focused on my mind and made myself walk to zach's place, at his house. I was feeling Exhausted.

"Zach...!" I screamed out loud his name in anger. I was like a volcano bursting out right now. Nobody could control me and I'm going to be explode today.

"Zach... Where are you?" I screamed for him again walking towards his room. This time he listened me and came to me.

"Ella, what happened... What are you doing here?" He asked me in confusion.

"Shut up, what do you mean..What I'm doing here?" I said scolding him.

"Now accept your fault before you'd be punished." I said with a death stare.

"Ella...What are you talking about?" He was acting like he knew nothing..and confusion was written on his face.

"Oh my god Ella... Ella." Suddenly he uttered with joy like a realisation hit him so strong.

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