Too Much Info

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Twice endures pain, may it be mental or physical. Sometimes even simultaneously. Nonetheless, the girls try making the most out of the moment.

So much so that Jeongyeon walks in forgetting that she has a neck brace on. Nayeon laughs at her pointing the overlooked item that shouldn't be worn when in broadcast. Jeong removes it hurriedly.

Moreover, Jihyo is having an eye allergy attack in the midst. She's been scratching her eye. They assume it may be from the bouquet at the table.

Best friend Jeong is calling her out to it. The leader hysterically finds a way to relieve the itch, to a point of wiping it onto Jeong's sleeve.

Meanwhile, Sana is at the foremost front smiling as she reads comments. Her lip arches fade upon noticing Jihyo. She then immediately searches for wet tissue to hand to her partner.

The surprise birthday greet for Dahyun has Chaeyoung missing. In lieu of her, Momo dressed Boo in a strawberry outfit making him the kid rebel's representative. This isn't the pup's first.

He has since made appearances in Momo's vlive from when she officially introduced him through a Twicetagram post. Yes, Momo herself made such personal announcement. It's straightforward, easy as it's her truth.

Boo has become family alright but to be able to identify him more, Jihyo asks Momo:

"What are you to Boo, omma or noona?"

Momo confirms being an omma saying, "he is a son."

Jihyo then follows up, "Then what is he to us? Nephew?"

"He has nine moms!" Moms only. In Momo's mind, he is a son to all of Twice. Nine girls are already raising him together. No need for any dad. Boo's presence is it's as if the labor of love amongst them girls.

Boo is even carried along at work. And in caring for such precious life as if their own, their already busy sched has become tighter. All the more there would be practically non-existent time for boyfriends.

Surprisingly, with Momo as the main mom in question, the reported boyfriend Heechul isn't widely assumed to be Boo's dad despite also being a dog owner. It's not because fans understood about the setup.

More like Heechul is hated within the Once fandom. Because unlike the young Daniel who appears to be a solemn saint, veteran Heechul is seen as the creepy old loudmouthed devil.

So instead of linking him to Momo, the fans themselves are the ones burning this ship down. Their coincidental similarities too aren't hyped. This along with Nayeon never leaving Momo, handling Momo's dating is relatively tolerable for the girls.

The unnie even shares, "I walked from Cheongdam to here a few days ago. Momo and I walked with Boo." Jihyo herself finds them crazy betting they were freakin' tired after that long walk.

An hour plus plus has passed when Twice looks at the time and realized they have to pack up and rest. Scheds will be grueling in the coming days. Even so, birthday girl Dahyun has made a wish. She says, "to reach number 1."

After 9 months gap from Feel Special, Twice makes a comeback through a more challenging performance. Add to that the lack of live cheering audience due to the pandemic, the girls could only draw energy amongst themselves.

June 1st-Today is the showcase for their 9th mini album, More & More. Like the previous, the girls share a TMI each. Meaning, "Too Much Info" of what they've gone through the past period gap in between comebacks.

Big or small, it's anything that the audiences may have not known about them. Starting with, "I..." Nayeon breathes and resets thoughts "Before I came here, I hit my head against the desk. That's why I'm a little confused."

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