Janice looked at me with a weird look. “You called your brother hot...”

“I merely agreed with your statement. As is...” dare I say sister? “sibling I can say if he is hot or not.”

“Very Spock-ish answer.” She told me smiling. “Is he gay?” She asked whispering.

“No, why would he be?”

“Cuz the way he is dressed... the make up...” She motioned with her hand as if it was obvious.

“He is not gay.” I assured her. “Androgyny is his style of the month.”


“And you are in college!” I exclaimed.

“Hey! Just because I am from a public school don't mean I aren't smart!” She smiled.

An awkward silence fell over the room. I looked at Janice. Her short pixie blond hair was beginning to show roots. Her brows were furrowed in annoyance of not knowing what she was seeing. Her blue eyes wide with fear of not being normal. She wasn't crazy but she wasn't normal either. After all Alec was a Whisperer, what ever that meant. But what was Janice? A Listerner? I mocked.

“Is your brother emo?”

“Emo?” I asked. “Like wrist cutting, depressed and clingy?”


“No,” I shook my head. “he is very energetic and fun when your get to know him.” Which you won't, I added in my head.

“Really? So its just his adro-what style of wearing all black?”

I nodded. My phone rang. One new text message from Hixak. It read:

How is it going?

“Who's that?” Janice leaned in to see my phone. “Your new boy toy?”

“Boy toy?” Kryzstofer's voice said as he entered the room cups in hand. I stood, placing my phone on my back pocket, and helped him.

“Oh! Latte’s!” Janice exclaimed as she took one. “Thanks.” She beamed a smile at him.

“So,” He showed me my phone. “who is this boy toy I am hearing about?”

“No one!” I cried out, shocked. I tried to get my phone back but he lifted high above his 6 foot 3 inch body. “Kryz! How did you-”

“What?” He smiled coyly. “Tell me who it is and I won't go snooping.” He opened it and pretented to look through it.

“I got a text that's all.” From Hixak, I added in my head.

He nodded once and gave me back my mobile. The smile remained. “By-toy huh?” He turned to Janice. “Have there been many?”

“Oh!” She exclaimed. “Getting the scoop are we?” Janice pointed at him. Kryzstofer smiled warmly at her. “If you want to know ask Alec. They spend hours talking.”

“Why? Is he gay?” Kryzstofer asked innocently.

“Oh... no.” Janice said unsure. “I don't think so...”

“He is not.” I assured her.

Wie wissen Sie?” Kryzstofer asked me, the smile faltering a bit.

“I just do.” I replied avoiding his eyes. “Janice what were we speaking about?”

“My craziness.” She replied.

“I would love to hear about this said 'craziness'.” Kryzstofer told her. My phone rang.

“Excuse me.” I looked at Kryz and mouthed Hixak. I walked out of the room and into the bedroom. When I shut the door Hixak appeared. His face wore concern but his mood was play full. He pulled me towards him and leaned against the wall.

“Hello.” He said.

“Hi,” I returned. “What do you want?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Obviously.” I put my hands around his shoulders. “About what?”

“Her.” He pointed to the door.

“What about her?”

“She can feel me, i'm sure of it.” I stepped out of his embrace. Extending his black wing, he mad a half cocoon around himself. On the other half he extended his Lifestream. “I need protection from her.”

“Why?” I chuckled lightly. “She is just human, nothing magikal about her.”

“You don't know?” His brows furrowed. “Of course not.”

“Know what?”

“She is a Whisperer.” He, ironically, whispered.

“No, Alec is.” I told him.

“No, Alec is a Listener.” He pointed at me. “Or else I wouldn't have let him get near you.”

“But Kryz said-”

“Kryzstofer is jealous easily.”

“So he is jealous of Alec?”

Hixak nodded. “And it clouded his judgment.”

“Wait, so Alec is a Listener and his sister is a Whisperer?”

“Yes. Both are usually in a family. It takes a controlling force to out power the other and become evil, as you would say.”

“What's are they? A listener and a whisperer”

“A Listener gets dreams about our world. Most think it fantasy but there are signs such as artistic prowess and language skills. A Whisperer is more of the opposite. They dream of the Other realms. The parallel universes where our non picked choices are played out. They are usually under achievers with a high IQ and snobby. Usually they are super snobby and attract others to them with simple gestures.” Hixak Explained.

“Kryz said a Whisperer was a spy for the Angels.” I told him.

“They were once but since the fall out,” He shook his head. His Fallout he meant. “they have turned against us. They spy on the Other realms uncontrolled and by an unknown reason. We don't know where their energy and powers come from, only that they aren't the Whispers we had before.”

“This sounds very Sci-Fy.”

“It is. Who do you think gave them Sci-Fy.” He leaned in and whispered. “The Whisperers of old.”

“Now its Doctor Who.” I smiled. “So how can she sense you?” I said getting back on track. I touched his Lifestream cocoon.

“She can see me in the Other realms. She knows I will be here just not when and what i'll say. Its all my choice. What is said here is not said in the Other.”

“How do i-”

“You don't.” He touched my wrist. “Don't tell Kryzstofer and don't do anything to her. If she knows you are onto her she can use it against you, especially if she is the dominant force of the two twins.”

“Alrigh- twins?” I shook my head. “They aren't twins.”

“Yes, they are. I have to go.” He pulled me into an embrace and opened the door for me. “Ask her.”

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