Saving Histoire, Ōkui transformed into a fallen angel

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Blanc: the Creeper ? is it one of the types of Nobodies ?

Hansuke: yes and the weakest of them all.

Kazuma: speaking of the Creeper Nobodies, here they come.

Appear out of nowhere the Creeper Nobodies land on the ground, Vert ask Hansuke about what the Creeper and Dusk Nobodies can do, so that we can put up our strategy.

Vert: Hansuke darling, what can we do against the Dusks and Creeper Nobodies ?

Hansuke: well since they are the weakest of the Nobodies and can be quite troublesome while attacking in large group, they can stunned by doing a reversal to stop his action and caught them off guard.

Falcom: understand, what else about them ?

Hansuke: the Dusks always attack his enemies using his legs, arms and head, they are also vulnerable to magic like fire, ice and lightning. as for the Creeper Nobody, they have the ability to change shape into various forms, including a shield, spear, mask, and sword and the most annoying things about them is that they tend to appear in groups.

Linda: that can be very troublesome.

RED: right, but at least we have a strategy against them.

Tekken: yes, we have all thank to Hansuke.

IF: he always find the right solution when it comes to situation like this.

Compa: yes, he really is awesome.

Ram: everybody, prepare yourselves cause, here they come.

The Creeper and Dusk Nobodies begin attack us, the Creeper change into shield to move at us and take the form of a sword to attack us, however we block their attempt causing them to be stunned and planted itself on the ground, same for the Dusk but when stunned they float in the air, allowing us to destroy them.

Noire: this is so weird.

Blanc: indeed, you see how they are when they are stunned.

Uni: this is kinda creepy.

Kazuma: no matter how creepy they are, we won't lose to them.

One of the Dusk appear and ready to attack, however Kazuma notice him and block his attempt before slicing him in half causing his body to vanish. More Dusks and Creeper appear to fight us.

Kazuma: man, that was a close one.

Rom: everyone ! there's more of them !

Linda: you gotta be kidding me !

Meiun: appearing in large groups like this, i understand now why they are much more dangerous than the Heartless.

MAGES: yes, with a definite plan of attack, they could beat us, however we are much more powerful than them and we will win.

Meiun: yeah, beside they are weak so slashing them will be easy.

Two of the Creeper turn into a ball and disappear, 5pb. and Cave wonder where they go and notice them above both Meiun and MAGES, she warn them about the Creeper Nobodies who is above them.

Cave: they disappear !

5pb. where they go ?

*Sound of the Creeper in the form of lance*

Cave: here they are !

5pb.: Meiun ! Cousin ! watch out !

Both of them heard 5pb.'s voice and quickly move away from their current spot before being hit by the Creeper Nobodies in the form of lance, they retaliate immediately after that, defeating all of them.

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