Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties

Start from the beginning

Oh, gods above what is happening to me? Aro thought as panicked ensued.

Just then, Aro spotted the toilet in the corner and it dawned on him. He dashed for it and relieved himself.

Aro sat there a moment, thinking to himself. Aro Volturi, reduced to human weakness.

Arocarefully got up when he finished and stripped his clothing. He stood trembling from the cold before the tub. All these new sensations as a human he had forgotten, the sense of being cold was alien to him. But there he was shivering holding himself. When the hot steamy water was filled enough, he quickly got in and sighed as the water warmed his frigid body. His muscles relaxed as he settled into the tub. Being human again did have its difficulties. Aro laid back and closed his eyes. A bit of a mistake because her began to doze off again. Alarmed, he shook himself awake as he felt the water touch his face.

Oh, this would not be good to drown yourself on your first day alive, Aro! He scolded himself.

Aro grabbed the soap, puff and started lathering up his skin. Beginning at the toes, he worked his way up scrubbing in a circular motion. Upon reaching the top of his thighs he looked unsure down between his legs. He wondered how Bella would feel if he was even looking and blushed at the thought of her having to see his body too. He paused only a moment then gulped down the lump forming in his throat as he washed it quickly. His eyes closed to the sensation.

"Oh um, that's nice." He moaned in pleasure at the response of his movements.

Aro moved his ministrations up his abdomen and slowly over the perky breast. The puff caressed the hardening nipples. His eyes flew open to the electric-like sensations traveling from the nipples down to the mound between his legs.

"Oh um, oh my gods!" He called out shocked but pleasantly surprised how good it felt. No wonder his wife did not mind his attentions to her breast as they had sex. It was wonderful. He felt his body tremble with need as he touched. His head fell back, and he arched his body as the pleasure mounted. Panting escaped his lips as his heartbeat raced. He knew he had to stop, or someone may hear.

Damn vampire super hearing! He mused disappointed he had to discontinue for the sake of discretion.

If Bella found out she would never let him live it down. So, he forced himself to stop and quickly rinsed his body. Finally, he washed his hair with the rose hip fragrant shampoo and conditioner. When he finished up, he climbed out of the tub and reached for a towel. Aro stood drying himself vigorously trying to keep his eyes off certain parts. He lifted his eyes up but caught sight of his image in the huge mirror despite his efforts to be a gentleman. He gasped at the beauty of Bella's body. He turned side to side looking at all her curves. Wow, he was suddenly missing his own body, he would take her in an instant.

Stupid Cullen boy, you've got it all! He thought as envy burned in his being.

A yawn escaped his lips and Aro' reluctantly tore his gaze from the goddess's image. He put on the nightgown and stepped in front of the mirror again. The garment fit nicely and as he suspected; he could see the nipples peeking though. Groaning, he ran his hands over the silky gown and over the breast.

"Um yeah that's good..." He smirked at the image looking deep in the eyes filled with desire.

Aro wanted Bella to look at him like that.

Damn it all, I must get some sleep! He thought tying to get his head straight.

Aro opened the door to the bedroom and walked to the bed. He moved the covers down and slipped in. Aro then reached to turn off the light and snuggled in. While listening to the steady ticking of the clock on the mantle he laid thinking about Bella and how she must be doing. His thoughts lingered on her body and he wished in his heart he could kiss and touch her. He rolled over and groaned into the pillow. Gods he wanted her! The soft silk of the night gown caressed her sensitive breast and a moan sighed out softly.

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