Chapter Two: The Switch

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A scream tore though the room. Aro opened his eyes in shock at hearing his own voice. Coming into focus was two red milky orbs that were all to familiar. Rapidly Aro's heartbeat picked up a pace and thumped hard in his chest.

What?! How could this be? Aro thought in confusion.

The other Aro in front of him cover his mouth in horror.

Aro stood up and dropped the teacup in his hand, spilling its contents, soaking into the green carpet. Putting his hand to his chest clutching the fabric he wondered with dread was he having a heart attack. Was he dying? No, his heart still beats.

What?! How can my heart beat? I am a vampire. Aro shouted inwardly.

Aro looked down at his clothing. He wore green button up shirt with black jeans and sneakers.

What Bella's clothes?! Impossible! Aro thought shocked.

He looked at the other Aro across from him he turned his head sharply at the door as if she heard something he could not.

The other Aro finally spoke. "They're coming."

They both stared at the door as it opened violently. Bella saw with her new eyes as the guards flitted towards her could follow their movements with ease now. They stopped in front of her suddenly. The two members of the Volturi stood before her in alarm.

"Was that you screaming Master? What happened?" They looked at her expectedly.

"Everything's all right," Bella began trying to think on her feet, "I...I just got upset that is all, Bella, by accident spilled tea on the carpet. Yeah, I just love this carpet! Go get me a rage and wipe this up." Bella said, ordering them.

Bella heard the sound of her new voice and it was soft as a feather, yet very manly though she was a nervous wreck. Aro's voice. Bella looked over at her own body, who now housed Aro's spirit. The look Aro was giving her was priceless. Fear and shock were a good description.

The guard came back swiftly and proceeded to clean up the spilled tea. Bella tried, as they were busy cleaning the mess up, to remember who these two were. She had to think quickly, or they will figure out something was wrong. Bella knew one thing was for sure she did not want them knowing and the look on Aro's face told it all. He did not want to be discovered as well. The tall lanky one with blonde hair that approached Edward and her when she saved Edward under the clock tower, she knew she heard his name before.

"Oh, what was his name? Bella thought searching her memory.

The female guard pushed and scrubbed the tea out of the carpet, looked up at her fellow guard. "Dem, I almost got it up."

Oh yeah, Demetri, he escorted us down to the throne room. Bella mused, nodding to herself.

During this time of distraction Bella glanced at Aro. He just stood there looking at the guards and watching her in stun silence. Suddenly, the two guards flitted in front of Bella.

"All done Master." They said in unison.

Thank you, Demetri. And you," Bella said to the girl, "you can go now." Bella said giving them the ok to leave.

"Yes, Master." They bowed but just before they left the female guard gave her a strange look as they flitted out the door and shut it behind them softly.

Aro turned to Bella after he watched the guard leave. When he figured they were far enough away he turned to Bella. "We need to come up with a plan. No one must know of this incident. I'm in danger in a human body!"

Aro ran his hand through his mahogany hair nervously. He had to sit down; he was feeling woozy all of a sudden.

Bella flitted over to the sofa with him and sat down too hard causing the sofa with him and Bella on it to fly back with a screeching sound.

Aro glared up at Bella's inexperience. "Bella do you know what happened back there? Why would this happen to us?"

Bella shook her head and began sobbing. Aro gaped in horror at the spectacle in front of him. He stood up and grabbed her armed then knelt in front of her.

"Bella, you can't cry in my body, someone will hear you, stop. Now! Look, we just have to figure things out, that's all." Aro rubbed her cold arms and Bella lifted her head and nodded.

Bella realized that she could not even shed a tear as sobs raked her being. She hugged herself protectively looking at Aro. She could see her own chocolate brown eyes holding such determination and compassion for her. His gentleness was a comforting welcoming thing.

Suddenly, sweet scents of cinnamon and vanilla wafted into the room from the hallway. The door opened and Marcus stepped in. His eyes widening as they took in the scene before him.

It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBellaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang