Chapter - 22

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Apollo appeared to have a sleep in, because the sun rose late the next day. With the rising sun, screams echoed throughout camp.

Screams from the Chaos cabin.

This time, Amy's nightmare appeared worse. Bianca, Percy, heck, even Luke couldn't do anything to wake her up.

Then Michael came up with a brilliant idea. At least, to him it seemed brilliant.

"Why don't we just throw a dagger at her?"

Everyone stared at him like he'd grown five heads.

"What? It makes sense. If we are trained to fight without using our eyes or ears, she should be able to catch it"

Castor shrugged, and drew a dagger from its sheath. Before anyone could protest, he flung the dagger at a screaming and writhing Amy.

Bianca was about to slap Castor and throw him into the air, when Amy shot up, catching the knife expertly in her hand.

She opened her eyes, and breathed heavily.

"Where's Sylvia?" She asked.

No one answered that question.

She slumped, curling in on herself giving out a small 'oh'.

"I thought it was a nightmare" Her voice was small. Most of the army was shocked.

She had never, before this day, never shown any weakness in her voice. Even if she cried (which was extremely rare before this mission) her voice was always clear, strong, and calm.

She shook her head, giving the dagger back to Castor before shooing everyone out of her room.

She had made a decision.

She would reveal her identity to everyone. When the time was right.


Rachel Elizabeth Dare was just packing her stuff from the cave when she stumbled, eyes rolling into the back of her head. Green smoke erupted from her eyes and mouth, and swirled around her. A nearby camper noticed, and screamed.



Survivor, Omega and the army were sitting at their table, munching on their breakfast. They didn't talk. But they kept comforting each other, especially Survivor. They knew how close Sylvia and her are.

Sorry... Were.

That's what death was, it changed the present to the past.

Hero and Maiden were next to Survivor, while Omega was opposite to her.

They didn't try treating her like glass, they knew she wouldn't like it. Instead, they just gave her small hugs (Maiden) or pecks to her cheek (Hero).

"I was thinking.... " Survivor started slowly.

It caught the attention of everyone at the table. They leaned in, listening to her every word.

"I... I wanted to... Show my identity. I know it's risky, but I want to" She spoke hurriedly, noticing the shocked looks in her brother and her... She didn't know what Luke was anymore.

Definitely not a friend... But was he her boyfriend? She didn't know. She realised she zoned out when Maiden's arm waved frantically in front of her face.

"I think it's a great idea. At least they will stop whining about how what they did was a bad idea and what not" Star grumbled.

Archer, Omega, Beauty and Maiden laughed.

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