Chapter - 8

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1500 Chaos years later (from the previous Chapter)

Chaos paced his room back and forth. He didn't know how he was supposed to break it to the commanders about their latest mission. That too, on a day that was supposed to be a break.

He sighed.

He was dead.


Amy was on her bed, happily drawing. Percy was at the pool outside, splashing around with Serena. Sylvia was taking a nap on Amy's lap, and every once in a while, she would stroke her fur.

Michael and Zoe were practicing archery. Castor was with Luke, just strolling through the gardens. Silena was with..... Guess who?

If you guessed Beckendorf you all are absolutely correct. Bianca was with Amy, humming and listening to music.

Amy was drawing Sylvia in Lion form. She was almost done with it. Somehow, Sylvia got a mane despite the fact that she was a female. It was tipped with Shadow fire though, so it made sense.

"Hey Amy!!!" Luke called out, bursting into her room. She looked up calmly. Bianca however, tumbled off the bed. She groaned

"Please knock the next time you come in" She said, picking herself up.

Luke nodded, looking sheepish.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked, raising an eye brow.

He gulped. Was it that bad?

"Chaos wants to meet us" Amy groaned.

"This was supposed to be a break. Ugh... Dad better have a good reason. I'll come in a few minutes" She said.

Bianca walked out of the room.

Lukamy was her OTP, and it had better happen.

Luke was about to head out of the room, when he noticed Amy putting the final touches.

"What are you drawing?" He asked, moving closer to her.

"Oh.. Sylvia in Lion form" She said, startled he had asked something about her drawings. No one usually pays attention to them.

"Can I see?" He asked, looking hopeful.

She shrugged.

"Why not? I'll just put these away" She picked up her art supplies, and moved to a corner of the room to put them.

Luke picked up her sketch book, and flipped to the page. He gasped in astonishment.

By the way, this is something I drew. Not kidding. So, do give me your views on how it turned out.

"Is something wrong?" Amy asked, having heard his sharp intake of breath

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Is something wrong?" Amy asked, having heard his sharp intake of breath.

"It's.... It's Awesome!!!! Your so talented!!! Why doesn't anyone know about your drawings????" Luke asked, his eyes never moving from the sketch.

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ