Chapter 27- Seventh Heaven

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Seventh Heaven- state of intense happiness

(Mia's point of view)

Today is our honeymoon, we will be staying here in one of the famous beach resort at Maldives.

Maldives is known for abundance of coral reefs and marine life.
It is one of the places where you can snorkel alongside the whale sharks and manta rays. It can give you the best underwater experience.

This place is so relaxing. It makes me me forget the city and the mafia life.

Lewis called the hospital where I work and told the Medical Director  that I will have an indefinite leave.

He also said that he already talked to Engineers and contractors who will help us build our hospital as soon as we get back to Italy. We will be the one to manage our own hospital because it can be beneficial to the whole Platinum Dragons' Family.

I also talked to some of my colleagues who like to have their affiliation in the said hospital.

While I was sunbathing, Lewis was applying lotion on my back then I had this sudden urge to pee so I said, "I'll just go to the restroom Superman and I'll get us some drinks."
He answered, "Ok Piccola, just be careful!"

After twenty minutes, I saw my husband talking with two gorgeous ladies from afar.

My husband is undoubtedly attractive.
Those bitches were giggling like teenagers.
Damn those thirsty bitches!

I went closer to them and said, "Would you mind letting me join your conversation?"
Lewis gave me an annoying smirk.

One lady told me, "Go find someone else to pester!"

The other lady responded while looking flirtatiously at Lewis, "Oh don't mind this pathetic pregnant woman!"

I pulled my husband as hard as I could and I shouted, "Hey thirsty bitches, you should not f*cking mess with a pregnant woman!"
I poured them the drinks that I bought.

Lewis suddenly carried me to take me to the hotel while I was still yelling, "Don't you dare show your faces to me again or else I'll let the sharks in the ocean eat you when you swim!"

I told Lewis to put me down while punching his muscular arms and
I said, "Wow! what a caring husband you are. You knew that I don't like seeing you with other women!"

He replied, "Piccola, I'm yours! Jealousy doesn't suit you! I only have eyes for you!"

I can't help it but I guess this pregnancy hormones made me insecure once again.

(Lewis' point of view)

When my wife went to the restroom, two ladies came to me, they were asking me about a place then they began to talk about a lot of things.
I was just listening to them the entire time and I find it impolite if I will just leave.
I knew that talking to them is a bad idea. I was just trying to be friendly in a place where we were considered as tourists.

When my wife arrived, I can see that she's about to burst in anger. She raised her eyebrows and her eyes dilated with every word that comes out from the mouth of the ladies.

I knew she can handle it. I just have to declare a truce later.

We're here to enjoy the view and our time together as husband and wife.

I carried her to our room and explained to her what had happened.

I asked the hotel's staff to prepare us a delicious dinner.
I told Mia that we will just order and stay in our room so that she can rest after we eat.

Our first day is already a disaster.

The following day, we went for a walk at the sea shore.

We were holding hands and we're talking about possible names for our baby.

While walking aimlessly, we reached a serene area, no one is around us.
We sat for a while then we started kissing each other. Kissing turned into cuddling then we did what couples on a honeymoon usually do.

I can't believe that I will be rolling in the sand naked. My wife is really lucky because with her, I am willing to do everything, even the impossible.

My seventh heaven is where my wife is.

The next few days passed like a blur.
One thing that I remember is, we always end up on bed with the sweetest smile on our faces. The face of contentment... satisfaction... intense happiness.

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