Chapter 6- Trouble

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(Mia's point of view)

Every Saturday night, me and my colleagues meet here at the Pleasure Bar. I am wearing my red halter dress paired with my red stilleto. I put my hair down and made it in to soft curls. I will not order any hard drinks tonight. Just soda and water.

When my friends arrived, we went straight to the dance floor.
We enjoyed the loud music causing the pounding on our chest.

A creep went to the dance floor and held my waist then down to my buttocks. I stomped on his left foot but he didn't stop. I elbowed him on his abdominal area but this man is huge. He just smirked and said, "You're  feisty my little one and I like it!"
I was so disgusted so I ran outside the bar.

My friends failed to notice that I already went outside, they were on our designated table drinking wine. When I was already outside the bar, the creep was looking for me and when he saw me, I started running then he chased me. I was cornered in a dark area.

He came closer and pinned me on the dirty, rough surface of the wall. I was trying so hard to hit his throat but he is so tall. I tried to kick his sensitive area but he was stronger than me. He held my hands tightly so I can barely move from his grasp. When he attempted to kiss me, a man taller and more muscular than him, grabbed him from behind and threw him like he weighed nothing.

The man who saved me said, "Get behind me piccola!" so I obeyed him instantly. He punched the man and beat the sh*t out of him. I never expected to see him tonight and it's been weeks when we last saw each other.

The man who was beaten was so afraid of X. X said in a low and harsh tone, "Touch my girl once again and I will f*cking kill you!"
The man replied, I'm sorry boss,
I'm not aware that she's yours!
Then the man ran away.

X said, "Come with me piccola!"
I followed him at the parking area and we rode in a freaking black maserati.

I told him, "Thank you for saving me but I'm not your damsel in distress that you have to save every damn time!"
He answered, "The Pleasure Bar is full of dangerous people so you should always be careful piccola!"

I said, "Why do you always know where I am? Are you stalking me?"
He replied, " I guess it's fate piccola! You're lucky cause I'm always here when you're in trouble!"
I answered, "Damn right! Trouble is my middle name."

I asked him why the creep called him "boss" and he said that's a story for another time. I sense trouble but two can play his game. I will never stop until I found something about him. When I was younger, I used to be in any kind of trouble before and I always had my Superman with me. Now I know I have X. My new hero.

(XP's point of view)

I have business transactions near the bar every Saturday. I spotted Mia when she entered the bar. I also saw her leave but then a man chased her so I followed them. This man really pisses me off. I neither want any man being close to her nor touching her. I tried to control myself because I don't want Mia to fear me.

She had a lot of questions. I know I have to give her answers soon so that I can gain her trust.

I will let her stay at my place for tonight. I am very proud of her because she was brave when she was trying to fight that mountain of a man. She acted like nothing happened after that. I think that she's really a tough cookie to break.

I live in a big house which is few hours far from the city. I live with my trusted helpers. This place is heavily guarded and with security cameras around us. I guess I need a break from the city life even just for tonight with my piccola.

Everytime I go to the city and do my business transactions, I stayed in the hotel near Mia's apartment. She must not know that because she might really think that I was stalking her.
I just want this night to be peaceful and relaxing for both of us.

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