Chapter 9- Together Again

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(Mia's point of view)

After an exhausting yet amazing night, I needed a boost so that I can perform the surgery well.
Lewis bought a coffee for us while we were on our way to the hospital.

I had an emergency call so he drove me to the hospital and he waited for me at the parking lot.
Some of the nurses and my colleagues were teasing me because they were curious about the guy in maserati who was waiting for me.

The surgery was fast and smooth. I decided to go home early because I have to talk to my landlady about my apartment. Lewis wanted me to move in with him because he was concern of my safety. We lived together before and this time we'll do it again for our peace of mind and protection.

I packed some of my clothes and we placed it at the hotel near my apartment. Lewis was also living at the hotel across my apartment because he said that he wanted to win me once again. I told him that he was really stalking me all along but he said it's not stalking but more of caring and protecting me.

I called Airy and Devan and I told them everything about me and "X",
I mean Lewis or my Superman.
They were happy for us.
I hope that Red and Neo will come clean and tell Airy and Devan that they are working with Lewis.

Carl sent me a message. He asked me out for dinner so I told Lewis about the message.
He said, "You are mine piccola! I don't want you near Carlisle!"
I told Carlisle that we should meet some other time because I want to be honest with him. I don't want to give him a wrong impression that I'm leading him on. He deserves someone who will make him happy.

After few hours, we went to a building owned by Lewis. I met his trusted men. He told them to protect me at all times. There was also Red and Neo. I missed them. I asked them to talk to my friends.

Lewis informed me that we will have an early flight tomorrow. We're going to Russia because he wants to tell his family about us personally. Red and Neo will also come with us.

I called the hospital director that I will just have a vacation for a few days.
So this is going to be fun and I'm so excited due to the fact that It is my second time to ride in a private jet. The first one was when we were in Highschool, when we travelled from Las Vegas to Venice. It was also the first time I met Lewis' parents.

We will stay in the hotel tonight.
Upon entering the hotel, while Lewis went to the parking area, somebody called me. He shouted, "Hey Beautiful! I'm here!" I searched for that familiar voice and then I saw Carl.

I said, "Hi! What are you doing here?"
He answered, "I am visiting a friend who is staying here since you declined my offer to have a dinner"
I replied, "Look, I want to explain everything to you but this is not the right time." He held my hand. I tried to remove from his grasp but he doesn't want to let go of my hand.
I said, "Please Carl not now!"
Lewis then came and said, "What is happening here?"
Carl released my hand.
Carl said, "Do I know you? I think I've seen you before!"
I said, "Carl, this is my boyfriend X"
Then we went to our room.

(Lewis point of view)

I am doing a lot of phone calls today because I was fixing some of our transactions so that I will have no more distractions when we will be in Russia. I want my family to know about Mia.

When I entered the hotel's lobby,
I saw Carlisle holding Mia's hand.
I don't want to interfere immediately because I know that my piccola can handle him. This man gets on my nerves. When I observed that he's not letting go of Mia's hand I went there to make my presence known so he released Mia's hand.

My piccola told him that I am his boyfriend and she introduced me as "X" so as not to blow my cover.
I don't know if Carlisle Deveraux really failed to recognize me but I hope he still had no idea who I am because his family is one of our rival not just in business but now also with my piccola.

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