Chapter 18- Rebound

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(Charlotte's point of view)

Frustration... Betrayal... Acceptance

I was so frustrated because when I announced my engagement with Lewis during the family dinner,
I saw a sudden shift in his aura.

From being happy and excited to an expression of annoyance and disgust.
I don't really understand why he acted like that until I saw a gorgeous woman walking down the stairs.

I knew that she is Mia, his first love, first kiss, first heartbreak.
I was with him when he was in coma for three months. I even tried to make him fall in love with me and I never left his side. We had several moments together. I kissed him a lot of times in that period of ten years but he was so cold and emotionless.

He was staring at her like she's the only woman in the world.
No one ever looked at me the way he looked at Mia. I'm not really rude but Mia really gets under my skin.
She made me question my existence in Lewis' life.

I felt betrayed because after all my effort, Lewis never considered my feelings for him.
We were best friends since diapers. We were connected at the hip but all those years were gone to waste because of freaking Mia.
I have to get rid of Mia, in whatever way possible.

When they returned to Italy, I decided to go for a vacation in Las Vegas. I just have to accept that for now, I have to take my mind away from Lewis and Mia.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel.
I wanted to explore the area and go to the famous "Leisure Bar".
I will dress up and enjoy the night.
I hope I'll find a rebound who will help me fill this emptiness inside me.

I was drinking my pain away.
This sexy and handsome man sat beside me and offered to buy me a drink.
I'm not usually entertaining strangers but tonight I need some company.

One drink turned into two and then so on until we're both drunk.
I think this man is also going through a tough time in his life.
Tonight, we will have fun together. They said that "Misery loves company". I guess it is true.

After a few dates, I moved in with him and I decided to stay here for another six months. At first, I just want him to be a rebound from my heart break with Lewis but as days go by, I fell for him. I'm all in with him.

After five months of being happy together, he began  to change.
He said that he was busy with his work but one time I caught him calling Mia. I was so nervous with what I heard because he was asking for Mia's forgiveness. Could it be the same Mia who took the love of my life away from me? I hate that woman!

(Carlisle's point of view)

Why does fate let two people cross  paths? We have our romantic fantasies but when the fantasy wears off and reality sets in, it destroys the relationship with the one who is already with us.

It's funny when we try to escape a reality and then no matter what we do, our past comes back to haunt us.

After being in a relationship with Charlotte for five months, I couldn't force myself to love her because I did a background check on her.
I knew everything about her from being a daughter of the Russian Mob Boss Rigor Federova of the Bronze Vipers up to being a famous model in Russia.

I heard her one night screaming when she was asleep.
She was calling the name of f*cking Lewis Alexander Parker!

I liked her a lot. I want to emphasize on the "liked" part because my feelings for her is long gone.
I couldn't even look at her because of all people, she's in love with that freaking Parker!

Now, I know that we are two broken souls who can't move on and heal from each other's misery.
What a f*cking coincidence for us to be involved in the life of Mia and Parker!

I tried contacting Mia once again. She's a nice person so she said she can't forgive me yet but she will try.

I felt a pinch of hope.
I will pursue her at all cost.
I will just let Charlotte know that I want her out of my life before I do something that I will soon regret.

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