Chapter 20- The Proposal

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(Mia's point of view)

One month later...

Lewis asked me to wear comfortable clothes because we are going to Paris.
We've been traveling into different places lately.

This is a such a wonderful time to relax from the mafia life and hospital works. He appointed Red and Neo to do all his business transactions while he is not around.

Paris, the City of Light, is a major European city known for art, fashion and a remarkable culture.
I'm so excited to explore with my love.

We went to our hotel and then unpacked our baggages and after that we had our lunch at one of the famous French Restaurants.

I also bought a delicious caramel, chocolate croissant and baguette. Their foods here are really different from what we offer at the cafe where I used to work.

I checked our itinerary. I should wear a comfortable pair of shoes because we will be having a Montmartre walking tour, where we can see the windmills and vineyards.

Another part of the itinerary is Le Marais tour where the refined town- houses of the French aristocracy and tales of their escapades and lifestyle are located. The fashion stores can be seen here so I might as well shop for my family and friends.

Notre Dame Walking Tour is also a part of the plan. I can take a lot of pictures here. In this tour, we can learn how Victor Hugo's Hunchback save Notre Dame in 1831. I have no idea about this places but of course I gathered an ample information from the internet.

No words could really explain how happy I am in this vacation.

We ate our dinner from a luxurious restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower. We both dressed up well.

This is really one of the perks of having a billionaire boyfriend, you can enjoy anything that you wanted. He is so loaded, to the point that he can even name a visible star for you and send your name to Mars.

Well the disadvantage is that, your life is always at risk. Any envious and ravenous woman and their family's enemy can attack you anytime.

After our dinner, we had the most expensive champagne but I just took two shots because I want to enjoy the night and I have to remain sober.

When I went to the ladies room, I fixed my clothes and powdered my shiny nose and when I got back, Lewis' left knee was bent on the ground. Oh my! Is he proposing?
I said, "Superman, Yes! Yes! Yes!
Lewis answered, " Yes to what?"
I replied, "I thought you were"
Lewis said, "W...what did you say?
I was just tying my shoes!

I blushed in embarrassment.
Damn it! Do not expect too much Mia! He was just tying his f*cking shoes!

Well I just thought that the place, the scenario and everything are just perfect for a wedding proposal.

I'm so disappointed! We never talked while we were in the car. When we arrived at the hotel, Lewis said that I should go ahead because he will have an important phonecall.

A lady assisted me and told me that something happened to our room so she has to bring me somewhere. She put a blindfold on me and said, Don't be afraid ma'am just hold my hand.

When the lady removed the blindfold, we were in a huge hall of the hotel. It was full of flowers and lights and most of all, both our families were there. They guided me to sit in a beautiful, red, soft chair and there Lewis started his speech.

"Mia, my sweet pea, my piccola, my love. I want to apologize for what had happened earlier. I really planned something big for us tonight but I want to do it in front of our families and close friends. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. The thought of you having another man, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you, makes me unleash all the demons inside me.
Our relationship is not perfect, our lives will never be normal but with you by my side, I can be strong and powerful. You are the light in my darkness. I love you very much!
Will you make me the happiest man in the world by being Mrs. Mia Cielo Parker?"

I cried and I just hugged and kissed him on his lips. I said, "YES! I thought you'd never ask! I love you too!"

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