Chapter 10- When in Russia

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(Mia's point of view)

It is my first time to set foot here in Russia. The climate is cold and it is also known for their vodka. The women here are all beautiful.

When we arrived at the Parker's mansion, I was in awe with the place. They have a beautiful view and there are many flowers in their vast garden.

Mrs. Parker embraced me and she told me that she was happy to see me.
Mr. Parker wasn't around but they told us that he will come later for the family's dinner.

Lewis showed me our room and there I unpacked our baggages. We will be staying here for five days. Hmm, what is in store for us here in Russia?
I have my checklist with me and it includes shopping, going to the bar and buying souvenirs.

Lewis told me to rest for a while so I took a shower and watched whatever movie is available and then I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I only have an hour to get ready for the family dinner.
Neo told me that when they say "family dinner", it means that everybody has to dress up because some close friends of the family will also join us for dinner. Of course I dressed to impress. I knew in my heart that I do not belong in their world but I am trying harder because I want to prove my Superman that I am deserving to be his partner.

When I went to the dining hall, yes!it's a freaking dining hall with more tables and more people. I was so nervous because I thought that it was just a simple dinner but it looked liked a party.

I was wearing a teal blue tube gown. At first, I thought I was overdressed but I was so wrong. Why are these people dressed like this in a family dinner? I guess it's what billionaires and powerful people usually do that we ordinary people wouldn't understand.

I was walking towards Lewis when a tall, red haired woman with long flawless legs stepped on my gown and I slipped. Red helped me stand up.
Lewis was caught off guard when she was kissed on the lips by this woman who looked like a goddess.

I felt a pang of jealousy when I saw that woman kissing my Superman.
I ran outside while carrying my shoes because I just want to go away from that embarrassment and jealousy.

Red ran after me and explained to me that I shouldn't feel affected because that woman is just a friend of Lewis.

When I attempted to go inside, the woman is not leaving my Superman's side. When I sat down this woman stood up and said, "May I have your attention please! I would like to propose a toast for me and my fiance Lewis!" When I heard that woman, I ran to the guest room and changed into a more comfortable clothes.
I asked for Lewis' chauffeur to drive me to the nearest bar.

I can't even breathe properly with what I heard. My heart is beating so fast and from sadness I feel disappointment and rage. I asked the bartender to give me 6 shots of their finest vodka.

The thought of him being touched and kissed by that woman makes me want to dissect that woman alive. The audacity of him to bring me in this country and then he failed to inform me that he has a f*cking fiancee!
I hate you Lewis!

(Lewis' point of view)

I was looking for my sweet pea, my piccola at the dining hall. I saw her walking towards me. She was stunning wearing that long gown. Suddenly, Charlotte appeared in front of me. I was shocked when she kissed me on my lips. I pushed her and then I went out looking for Mia but I can't find her.

Neo told me that Red went after Mia.
I was waiting for them and when the dinner is about to begin, Charlotte proposed a toast and told everyone that I am her f*cking fiance! This woman is delusional. I already told her a lot of times that I only see her as a friend and a sister but nothing more.

My chauffeur told me that she drove my sweet pea to the nearest bar. Damn! I f*cked up this time! I have to look after her because it's really hard to deal with a drunken Mia.

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