Final chapter: I love you Joe

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It's been months since she had her last check up at the hospital and the doctor told her that she was okay and healthy. Joe had spent lots of money in buying vitamins from different pharmacies.
Joe spent less time at the office and more at Eve's apartment. She was beginning to get really comfortable with Joe being around her all the times. They played,watched movies,went shopping and outings together. Ekene called her and asked to see her alot of times but she gave excuses because she didn't want Joe to get angry.

One afternoon when Joe was at work and Eve had just gotten up from the 10minutes sleep that she slept while watching a boring India movie,Mary her house attendant and cook came and woke her up. She told her that Jenny had come to visit her but Jenny was not alone,she had brought a strange man with her.
Eve knew exactly who the other man was without doubt. Jenny had broken up with her boyfriend over a fight some weeks ago and the only guy she could have brought to her house is Ekene. She got up and quickly went into her room to change her outfit....She didn't want Ekene to see her looking like some rich man's mistress because the clothes she was wearing were very expensive.

She enters the sitting room and she see's Ekene and Jenny whispering.
"Look who came to visit Eve said jokingly while Jenny smiles as she secretly waits to see what both of them would do and how they would hatch out their issue. Jenny knew for a fact that the relationship between Eve and Ekene was slowly changing,she didn't know if it was because of Joe or because of some other issue that she wasn't aware of.
In response to what Eve said earlier,Ekene replied" yeah,since I always beg for us to meet......I decided to force Jenny into showing me where you live" immediately Eve heard what Ekene says she looks at Jenny and whispers "Traitor".
"Both of you should solve your problems and don't put me in the middle...don't use me to settle,I'm already broken hearted from my last relationship".

Ekene and Eve talked and Eve told Ekene about Joe,ommitting the real truth about how they met and how she feels about him. She told him that he likes her and he got this apartment for her. Apparently he's very Rich and doesn't know how to spend money. When Ekene asked Eve if she was in love with her new benefactor she didn't say anything,she just smiled and changed the topic.
A few hours later Ekene left. Immediately he left,someone who was suppose to be the security of the house,brought out his phone and called his boss,narrating everything he had seen and noticed to him.

Joe was as work when he got a  call from the gate man at Eve's house. He got angry knowing that Eve brought a male to his apartment. Even though he had given it to her,he still didn't want her to bring some man in.
After work Joe came home directly and asked Mary to cook some noodles for him. He asked after Eve and was told that she has been in her room since her visitors left.
After eating the noodles he went to bed angrily without checking on Eve.
Eve woke up the next morning,came outside to greet Joe but Joe was already gone. She asked and was told that he had gone to work.
It was weird,Joe wouldn't go to work without telling her or leaving her a note beside her bed. She got up,took her bathe and changed into a nice and expensive outfit. She wanted to visit Joe at work.
This was her first visit. She made him lunch and put them inside a lunch box. She told her driver to drive her there. When she got there,she told him to leave and she would call him when she wants to go back home.

Immediately she entered the company,She remembered that she didn't call Joe or inform him that she was on her way. She thought his minions  and spies house attendants would inform him. But unfortunately,nobody informed Joe and he was already in a meeting. The receptionist did not allow her to wait inside Joe's office and so she sat down across the receptionist.
After about two hours Joe finished his meeting and was walking with his employees to his office when he saw someone who looked like Eve sleeping on the chair. He walked closer to her,seeing that it was truly Eve he got so upset at the receptionist.  Joe yells at her,asking her why she didn't let her into his office. He threatens to fire her and scolded her hardly,while Eve was soundly asleep and had no intention of opening her eyes.

He carried her on his arms and walked down to his office. Everyone who saw him were greatly shocked because this was a first time for Joe to publicly carry a woman into his office.

Eve woke up about an hour later. She saw herself inside an office and she was covered with a big blanket. She pushed the blanket aside and got up to quickly survey where she was,then she saw Joe sitting by the side of the room,he had this whole other businessman Aura around him and he looked really handsome at this moment.
Eve was baffled for a moment. She looks at him again and whispers to her heart. "How special am I that such an amazing person would be inlove with me? Do i even deserve his love. She stared at him intensely.  Noticing a burning gaze on him,Joe looked at Eve's direction and both their gazes meet.
"How long have you been awake?" He asks her walking over to where she was but she was still staring at him in lust.
"Why are you staring at me? Do you want to put a hole in my face? He asks her again Jokingly.
"Joe...... Why do you love me? I've thought about different reasons and none of them match...I don't know why you would put in so much effort?" She asks as she stares at him intensely.
"Maybe it's because we met previously at our Past lives..... or maybe we promised to love each other at some point. But all I know is that I Igwe Joe Obinna,will only love you Eve.... Be it in this life,our past lives and the next,only you". He finish talking and waits for her response.

"I don't know when it started and I don't know how it started.... probably started as Stockholm syndrome but now I don't even want you to leave me for hours without knowing your whereabouts. I don't want you to ever get angry at me. What I'm trying to say is..... I love you Joe and as crazy as it's sounds.... I think I've been inlove with you for a while now.
After Eve had finished talking,he hugged her almost immediately and happily. Both couple kiss and then smiles. Joe looks at her face and tells her "Eve .....I Love you more".

The End

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