Chapter 16: Some Mistress

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Eve just arrived at her old home. She packed all her bags and looked around for a while before she walked out and left the building. No one was around,it was always quiet every afternoon in this building because everyone here was either out hustling or were in school. She had so many memories in this building. This was the place where she learnt how hard life could be with no parents telling you what to do ,how to behave in front of other people,what to cook,what to eat and everything else.  She learnt everything the hard way and she doesn't regret it. Although she wants to hustle on her own but she knows how important it was to have someone who cares for her. Even if it was an obsessive love ,it's still love. She's a bit scared when she remembers how scary Joe could be sometimes but when he calms down she really sees him for who he is.

Eve leaves in a black car that Joe had prepared for her and she arrives at the place. Joe really said that the new home is not too far from her old building.

Jenny was at her place of work when she got a call from Eve saying she was fine and she just had to go somewhere to clear her head after her grandfather's burial.
Jenny had heard lots of things from Eve before,but Eve saying she went some where to clear her head for weeks sounded suspicious. "Tell me where you are now!! I have to see you,I have to see that you are okay or else I'll take it that you've been kidnapped and you are calling me against your will" she stops talking while she waits patiently to hear Eve's reply.
Eve only told her that she was around and she would text the address of her new house to Jenny. Jenny put down her phone and stared at the wall clock impatiently. She had approximately three hours before she would hand over to the person on night duty. She has been working in this retail shop for a while now.  Her mother got her this job three years ago before she got married to another man when her dad abandoned them. It has been quite a rough year for her. After her mum got married,She stopped calling,changed her number and started a new life abandoning her only child. It seemed as if the universe selected whom it favours and whom it doesn't show mercy. Working and schooling at the same time wasn't easy but she had a friend whom she could share all her sorrows and joy with and she loves her friend as much as she could love her biological sister. The first time she met Eve was when she went to eat at a resturant. Eve was a waitress there and she was very nice to all the customers. While Eve served her a plate of hot Jollof rice, Jenny tries to take the spoon from her,she mistakenly Stepped on a customer that customer almost slapped her.... it was Eve who saved her from harm's way and that was when they both became friends....over the years they became close and begun to sleep at each other's house.

Eve was trying to settle down at her new home when three people walked in. A woman and two men,they had been appointed by Joe to help her out as house attendants or house helps. When they came in,Eve wasn't happy about the arrangement but she just had to agree. She knew that Joe would bring people to watch over her just as he had done back at his mansion. One minute when she starts to see how great of a person he is,the next minute he turns into a controlling freak. In the past she would let her imaginations run wild,thinking the worst about her situation but now she  had gotten used to it. She only asked their names and then gave them a few rules to follow. Mary would cook,clean,go on errands and do the laundry,Kenneth as the gate man and security while John will drive her around when ever she needed to go some where. This was something most girls would kill to have. Some opportunity people look for all their life but never get to enjoy any of it and here Eve was,thinking about how she is the most unlucky person in the world because some rich Igbo guy was obsessed about her. She's 22 and her life has just begun,she would try to make the best out of her situation. 

It was already past six when Kenneth the gate man came to inform Eve that she had a visitor. It took Eve more than two minutes to understand everything Kenneth said. Kenneth is a Yoruba man in his thirties,he's a bit short and Has broad chest. Very handsome but has a Yoruba accent. He speaks Pidgin alot and even his Pidgin has some sort of yoruba in it.
After Eve fully understood what Kenneth was trying to say,she asked him to let Jenny in and he should tell Mary to bring something for her guest Kenneth left to open the door while Eve waits happily to see her friend that she hasn't seen for weeks and at the same time, starts thinking about the lie she was going to tell.

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