Chapter 19: Not easy being a young CEO

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It was already getting to  noon when Eve finally woke up. Jenny didn't wake  her up as she didn't want to disturb her. But in the past Eve always woke up early. She had to go to work and had classes inbetween,she would wake up on time and take her bath. But now,Jenny was happy seeing Eve behave like some rich mistress. She deserves to be happy. Atleast for once in her life something good is happening.
She wished everyday would be like this for Eve and Eve would forget all her stress and worries soon.
As soon as Eve got up,she went to the bathroom,took her bath,dressed in light clothes and came outside. She sees Jenny sitting on the sofa and she was watching a Nigerian movie.
Eve wasn't too much a fan of Nigerian movies.  She thought the plot of their movies weren't as dramatic as Indian movies or even Mexican movies,so she always love to watch them without even realizing that there was an Africa magic channel that had lots of new and recent Nigerian dramas.

Jenny saw that Eve was awake and she was looking really bright and happy.
"Hey sleepy head,you finally woke up.... you are really behaving like some rich mistress you know that right?" Without waiting for a reply from Eve,Jenny continued. "You slept until this time,aren't you tired. See how fat you have gotten recently.... although it's good for you,It won't make you look sexy... being fat is good but without a bit of workouts you will have a bulging stomach and you don't want that.... what if our handsome house owner sees it and it turns him off. What if he sees it and doesn't like you anymore?" Jenny asked and spoke like she was saying something really meaningful while Eve only laughed and thought about how it would help her if Joe was to suddenly stop liking her. Thinking about it made Eve a bit sad. But why was she sad? Was it because she was already getting used to staying under Joe's care or because she didn't want to leave such a rich guy? But all the same,she didn't want to be here.... staying in the house of someone who kidnapped her before.  Though it changed but she still couldn't shake up the bad thinking.

Jenny noticed that Eve had been lost in her thoughts for a while now so she shakes her a bit and asked her what she was thinking about. Eve said she was thinking of what to eat today. Jenny told her that the cook Mary had prepared Egg stew and Fried plantain for her to eat this morning. Eve shook her head showing that she didn't want to eat Fried plantain and eggs. She  was behaving like some rich mistress and Jenny noticed.
Later on,she called the cook and asked her to prepare bread toast and milk for her to eat.
She had gotten used to having light food for breakfast because of Joe. When she stayed at Joe's mansion,Joe always ate light food for breakfast. He always had toast and milk,or Egg and bread and sometimes he would just eat noodles. Thinking about Joe and breakfast,she wondered if Joe had eaten today or if he was feeling okay. She felt bad about ignoring Joe yesterday ,seeing how hard Joe worked all the while she stayed at his mansion,she knew he had so many rough days.
Perharps that was one of the reason why Joe suddenly lost his temper some days and tried to do some scary stuff to her.
It wasn't easy being a CEO of such a big and busy company. Shipments came in almost everyday and he also had to go out of the country to make deals and signed documents.
Back when she had just been kidnapped by him,she always saw him at night,he would be in his study working and there was always a stack of papers on his desk.
Maybe Joe too was having a hard time and coupled with the facts that she wasn't being nice to him,made her feel like an ungrateful person.

After eating what Jenny described as Brunch, Eve came back to the sitting room and watched some part of the Nigerian drama that Jenny was watching. It wasn't all that bad. In this drama there was a whole lot of suspense and conspiracy.  Someone was murdered in the drama and everyone suspected her five house attendants. Not knowing that it was her step son that murdered the lady. She had gotten married to her new husband after she got divorced because her exhusband told her that he was gay and had been sleeping with an American businessman. After she got married to her new husband,She noticed some hostile behaviour from his son for a while but she brushed it off cause she didn't see the boy as someone capable of harming her.
At the end of the drama it showed that both the boy and his dad were in on it. Both of them carried out the plan to murder the woman and take all her property. The woman was wealthy as her former husband was a bank president and he left her with lots of divorce alimony.

After watching the movie,both girls decided to go online and see some beautiful dresses on instagram.  Their final year student graduation party was around the corner and they had to shop for it.
After surfing the internet for hours,Eve finally saw a dinner gown that she liked and she  ordered for it. The seller told her that she would receive it in a few days. She borrowed Money from Jenny and told her that she would pay back. It's not that there was no money in the house,there was a card Joe had given to Kenneth the gate man to bring to her yesterday night. He said Mr.Joe had ordered him to give the card to her and told her that the security code was her birthday and she should use the money on the card to buy whatever she wanted. Eve did not want to use the money so she borrowed money from Jenny.

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