Chapter 5: No engagement

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Still on the road to the engagement party,the journey was the scariest Eve had ever gone through. How has she been living her life? What did she do to deserve this?.
If anyone had told her that she was been followed or she had some psychopath who knew every single detail about her,she wouldn't believe that person.
Joe saw that she had alot going on in her mind. He became scared. "What if  she has a wrong impression of him?" He didn't want her to see him as a monster,but then no one has ever fallen inlove with their kidnapper in real life. "Look, I just want you to be happy... I want you to live in a place that fits you. I don't like the fact that you have three jobs while schooling,I know it's late but i want to help you,like I have been doing all these while. I want to do more".
Listening carefully to everything he said,Eve concluded that she had to do whatever he tells her. Suddenly her escape plan sounded like a death plan to her. What if she escaped and he goes to look for her with all of his resources? She can not run away from him at this point,but she will try to look for a way to save herself.

Eve had been lost in her thought that she didn't know the car had come to a stop. Joe came down and was waiting for her,So they would go in together.
After she came down,she saw someone she recognised. The man brought a bag and handed it over to Joe. Joe mouthed a fee words to him and he left. Immediately the man left, Joe tossed the bag over to Eve. "Put it on,this is an engagement party. Please do not embarrass me".
Eve took the bag of clothes and followed a waitress that was called by Joe. The waitress showed her the changing room and she went in to change.  Inside the bag there was a yellow gown,which brought out Eve's shape. This gown would have cost thousands. There was a time she saw an internet celebrity selling the gown online. Only a few persons could actually afford it. Many fans of the celebrities that bought the gown bragged about having the richest idol.
She would have been happy wearing such an expensive and beautiful dress,but she wasn't.  Instead she was really scared but decided that a brave look would be nice.
Eve was trying to pull up the zipper when she heard two people come in. The two girls talked about Joe,they were happy that he showed up today. In the past it seems like Joe never attended all these types of events but now he said he was bringing a date. When Eve heard of the date,she thought of herself. "I will scorn at who ever he brings,why would he date anybody?" The girl said while washing her hands. They finished using the changing room and left. After they left,Eve came out. She looked breath taking. The gown was a perfect fit on her,it was beautiful,she looked at the mirror and smiled at herself.  She came out of the door and met Joe outside. He took her hands and they went inside.
The place was decorated with flowers and there was a very large cake on the  designed table. As they went in,some guys came to greet Joe. They called him boss and spoke to him politely. 
All the guys there was handsome,but there was one that looked extremely handsome,he looked really tall and had a normal body. He did not look like someone who did any body workout and his temperament was different. When others called Joe,"Boss" he only looked at him and did not even stand up to greet him like the other guys did. It looked like Joe and he were really close friends and he didn't look like some average man,he looked rich like Joe and his attitude was different.
A girl from the back suddenly came and held unto Joe, "Obinna" she called him while holding his arm like he would be stolen if she ever lets go.
Joe's behaviour shows that he didn't like her. Eve would know because there was this guy she she liked while she was still in secondary school. Then her mother was still alive. She pursued him secretly and actively. She    would go and watch him play foot ball,bringing him cold water and some snacks. His name was Jonathan. Many girls at school liked him and he was pretty popular. His mum sold snacks at school for the students,she too was very beautiful and everyone liked her just like they liked her son. Whenever he finished playing football,Eve would run over to him and give him cold water,every single time and he would smile and thank her. They became close and he could tell that she liked him but he did not like her so he was really careful around her and she noticed so she stopped going close to him. Her experiences from her past had taught her most things she needed to know and one of them was that, Joe dislikes the girl holding him. She didn't care,she kept holding unto him until he spoke to her and she let go of his arm,staring jealously at Eve.

Everyone looked like they knew each other at the party,there was a lot of conversations. The party went on until the celebrant came in and tossed her ring back to her boyfriend. "I can't marry you anymore,we are going to be siblings soon and we will have to accept that" her words shocked everyone. Immediately,she ran out and her boyfriend chased after her.
After that event,the party was over and everyone started leaving. Everyone except Joe and Eve."come,I have to take you somewhere else,the party did not go as fun as I thought it would" he held her hands and brought her to a table where the handsome boy from earlier was sitting. Is this handsome guy a close friend of Joe? Does he know that his friend is a kidnapper and a psychopath? What if this handsome guy was a kidnapper too? What was Joe's plan bringing her here? What were these two planning to do to her? She was really scared.

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