Episode 12: Ekene is a loser

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"Is that why you want to leave this house?" JOE Screams at Eve. "Is he the reason why you don't want to be with me?" He breathes. "He is a loser...i have told you Eve, time and time again.... I am the only man for you.... no one in this world can love you half as much as I love you but you never try to understand me... Ekene can not give you 2% of the things I can give to you and he never will!!" Joe yells and flings the drink and the glass cup at the wall.... it shatters and breaks making a very loud noise. The maids tried coming In,when they saw how intense the situation was,they retreated and walked away.
"Tell me Eve" he drags her by her neck  demanding an answer from her. "What can Ekene do that I can't!!" He growls at her.
"Get away from me!! Get away from me Joe,you are a monster.... you are insane...  let me go!! Leave me alone you can't force your feelings on me... only a mad man will do that" she struggled to get away from his grasps.
Joe felt a sudden anger and he drags her into his room,pushes her to the walls and tears all her clothes and attempts to touch some certain parts  of her body. "Will he make you feel as good as I can make you feel??" He shouts at her angrily while Eve keeps crying and this time the tears pours down heavily. "Stop it Joe... please let me go....Stop... don't touch me,I don't want this.... this is a crime,this is a crime" she cries heavily.
"It's a crime when I do it but it's okay when it's Ekene right??"
"What are you talking  about!! Get your hands off me!!" She shouts at him and all of a sudden,Joe's face becomes innocent,like all the things he did suddenly wipes off.
He lets go of her dress and then puts his head down and mouths a few words. Eve didn't understand what he was saying but this time,she really wanted him to just go away and leave her alone. She needed to be alone. To cry her eyes out because the world was definitely being really unfair to her.  Joe walked out of his bedroom looking really embarrassed and a little bit flustered.
Immediately he left, Eve ran to her room,locked her door and sobbed the whole night.

Last night was something Joe wasn't proud of. The fact that he nearly raped Eve made him so ashamed. He didn't know how to face her or talk to her. Last night,he went over to her room and the door was locked. He stood there for hours and finally left when her sobbing stopped. But as soon as he left, she started crying again.
The last time she had cried this way was when her mum died. The only person who consoled her and accepted her crazy behaviours was Ekene.

Ekene had always been kind to her. All the qualities Ekene had would have made even the devil to fall for him. He was handsome and had average height. He knew how to make her smile,he was always the first to know when ever she got angry. No matter how much Eve would try to hide it,he always knew.
She grew up along side with Ekene.  They attended the same kindergarten,primary and secondary school. When ever Eve changed School,Ekene would do the same. The reason was... Ekene and Eve's mum were really close friends and they always liked to do things together.
When Eve got expelled from her first primary school her mum told her best friend everything that happened. Both women concluded that the principal,head master and head teachers of the school must have received bribes. Ekene's mum was so angry and she said that if they could do such a disgusting thing against a little girl.... then that meant her son too wasn't safe. Both woman looked for a very close primary school in their avenue and enrolled their kids. Since then, they've always been together and they've been so close irrespective of their age differences.
Ekene is only two years older than her but she treats him like he was born on the same day as her.

Ekene has always been around. When she left home he begged her to stay but she didn't. He helped her search for a house and paid half of the deposit before she started living there fully.
Ekene works as an assistant lecturer in Delta state university and has been of great help to her. He always helped Eve to partake in the school's scholarship and would get sad when ever her scholarship failed.... but some strange anonymous rich man would pay for her and let her have her scholarship.
Remembering all the nasty things Joe said about Ekene,Eve felt like vomiting... She felt really sick. Ekene will never harass her or do anything to hurt her. Joe really is a monster.

Her days were getting worse and she had ran out of options."What would I do for him to let me go"she hits her head and tries to think really hard.
One time she saw a Ghanian movie. In that movie a kidnapped girl decides to run away from her kidnappers,she had successful passed all the dangerous part and was really happy on her road to freedom.... as she attempted to open the gate of the house not knowing that there was a big dog on a cage,by the side of the house. The dog barked at her loudly and everyone came outside.... even when she saw that they were chasing her,she still made a run for it.... at the end she got shot. Eve shivers after thinking about the gruesome way in which the main actress of that Ghanaian drama died.... but she had to get away from Joe before he ruins her.

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