Chapter 6: Handsome chef

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Everyone had gone out and it was just Eve,Joe and the Handsome Jacob. Joe had told Jacob that he would be bringing his future woman to the party. Jacob looked at Eve intensely trying to figure out what part of her was better than all the other girls whom Joe had rejected in the past. After assessing her from all parts of her body,he shook his head but still had that curious look on his face."Is this the famous  bride you've  been talking about?Why does she look so ordinary?".

Jacob is a lawyer who works on mostly divorce cases,he has seen alot of beautiful women with all kinds of shapes and he has seen that most men  always go for the women with an innocent look. All these while, his best friend had always spoken so highly about the girl he likes. The way Joe described her,he thought she would be some goddess that was from out of this world. But it turns out that she was just an ordinary girl.
Joe was not curious about Jacob's thoughts,he just introduced Eve. "This is Eve" he said to Jacob and then turned to Eve "This is Jacob,my best friend, he's also a lawyer but he deals mostly on divorce settlements,when we get married and you ever want to divorce me,get him as your lawyer,he will wreck me totally and give you all the benefits"Joe said with a smile on his face. He looked so cute when he makes jokes like this but Eve was not in a mood for jokes. she just gave out a dry laugh since she did not want him to get angry and kill her.
While Jacob  and Joe had their conversation,Eve just looked around the place,she did not want to escape anymore,she just wanted to live and playing cool with Joe would do.

The talk between the two friends ended quickly as Joe kept yawning. He had been on business trips since the start of the week without any rest. While he had the intention of taking her Out to have fun that night,he was so tired that all he wanted was sleep and he could not hold it. On their way back to his mansion,he instructed the driver to drive slowly. As he slept, Eve watched him. He looked like a little boy who had gone through lots of hard work and he slept like a little bunny. When the car got to his mansion Eve hesitated on waking him up,he looked so innocent and lovely. If he wasn't her kidnapper it would have been nice.

Eve woke up late,she had spent her whole night imagining things that would happen to her if Mr.Joe suddenly got upset one day. She always bothered herself to think the unnecessary.  Even when her mind is telling her to trust him. She must be so stupid.  How can she trust someone that kidnapped her.

After bathing and putting on her fresh and new clothes,she went downstairs to see if breakfast was ready. On getting to the dinning table there was no breakfast and she felt very hungry. She looked around,nobody was there which looked strange to her. Before,whenever she came down from her room,there would always be food waiting on the table for her.  If there was no food,there will be some house help or house attendant waiting to ask her what she wanted to eat. Thinking about how odd it was,her mind wondered to the negative side. Perharps her time had come and Mr.Kidnapper has decided to finally do something bad to her.
She looked around and still found no sign of anybody.

She was about going outside when she perceived an aroma coming from the kitchen. She dragged her feets over there curiously and then what she found made her heart skip for a moment before she regained herself.
She saw Mr.Joe preparing dishes. He looked like some model on a cooking Tv show.

When Joe saw her peeping from a side of the kitchen door,he smiled and asked her to come in. She entered the kitchen. The kitchen was really wide and well decorated. There was alot of raw foods there too. He also had a big fridge where he store soups,stew,eggs and other vegetables. He looked at Eve's curious face and said "i asked all the maids not to come in today. I want to cook specially for you and spent time with you today.  I noticed that you are scared of me and I want to change that". How would he ever be able to change the fact that he kidnapped a Girl from the road and brought her to his house to do nothing? How can he convince her that he was genuinely inlove with her? This itself looked like some nonsense from a Kid's fairytale.
Everything Eve wanted to say was stuck,she did not want to upset him as he could easily kill her seeing that nobody came to work today at the mansion.
After he finished cooking he asked Eve to set up the dinning table and then he brought all the food and arranged them. They sat down and began to eat. While they eat,Joe started telling her things about himself. "My father left home while I was sixteen. I was preparing for my waec then. He told my mum that he had fallen inlove with another woman and that he didn't love my mum. My mum was so heart broken that she grieved every single day,abandoning the company that she should have protected. We lost everything when my mum signed off all her shares to my dad's best friend in her drunken state". Hearing the words he spoke,Eve felt sympathy. He had gone through such a terrible thing in the past, no wonder he now has mental issues,and again her mind wandered off. What if he was telling her these things as a way of giving her the excuse he wants to give for hurting her??

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