Chapter 7: He lost his cool

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"After we lost the company,my mum went on a drinking spree. she would drink every single day none stop and neighbours from our Avenue would bring her home.... She wouldn't even be sober for days. It really messed me up and I felt helpless. The only thing I had to do for her,the only thing I could do for her was work hard and be a better son". Eve looked at his face while he was talking and he looked really sad remembering all that had happened. But this doesn't change the fact that he became mentally unstable.  Why was he even telling her these things,she was better off not knowing any of this.... it will be safe if he could let her go without telling her any of This so that she wouldn't be more scared of her life.

Breakfast ended and they both went to the sitting room. The Tv was on and  there was an Indian series on display but the volume was tuned really low,so they could not hear anything. As Eve tried to get the remote to tune the volume a little bit higher,Joe reached for the remote at the same time and both hands touched. Eve struggled to push his hands away because he was holding her hands in a way that felt weird and it hurt her. "Let go of my hands" she said,Joe pretended not to hear her and continue to hold her hand. "You are acting like a pervert and this is illegal,you can't hold a person against his or her wishes,you can't make a person love you. All these stories you are telling me will not make me change my perception of you. You are not Okay,you need a doctor.... or else you will really hurt somebody. Fine!! I know that you were hurt emotionally by your mum and dad when you were just a teenager but that doesn't mean you have to fantasize about loving a total stranger and to also go as far as kidnapping that stranger. This doesn't feel right.  I am tired of always staying at your house,I'm tired of being afraid for my life. I hate that I'm stuck here,I have no one to call for help. You have lots of connections and it won't even be hard to find me again if i decide to run away. Please let me go" she knelt down and started sobbing slowly. She had never felt so helpless in her life. When her mum died,she went out of her mind and did some crazy stuffs out of grief but she did not feel locked up. But now she has been locked up in the house of a stranger who wants to forcefully obtain her.
"What do you want? Tell me! Do you want to sleep with me?" She spoke while she used her right hand to wipe off the tear that dropped.

Joe was shocked,he never thought that Eve would react this way. He still wants her,even if she was offering to give her body randomly. He was a gentle man and would never hurt a woman that way. "Do you think I want your body?" He asked her. "Then tell me what you want,it feels like you want something from me but you are not saying it. I will be graduating soon and I want to go out and go on job hunts. I want to go out and live like my mates. I have a life outside!".
"You don't have to look for a job!! I will give you a job at my company. Just stay with me and I'll give you everything. You won't have to suffer for anything and you will have everything".
Both of them had drained their voices talking and explaining and they felt tired. For a whole hour No one said anything.

Suddenly,Joe got up and went to his room. He brought out many files. He also brought out some of his bank cards and cheque books.
Giving them to Eve, he told her "This are all the documented properties I He said...."you can have them,here are my cards as well. You can have everything that belongs to me. I am telling you that I love you,I have loved you since before I was born on this earth and I really want you to be happy. That's why I brought you here.... look.....if you go out to look for jobs,you won't find anything better" as he spoke he held her hands and made a sincere face that would make even the devil believe in his words. Eve only confirmed her thoughts. This Mr.joe indeed was out of his mind.
"You can't force a stranger to love you,I don't even know you!!"Eve shouted.
What happened next caused a great shock to Eve. All these while she had been staying here,she had never once heard Joe scream. This time he did,he yelled at her" I know you,I know who you are,what you love to do.... I know how you want to be seen. I know you more than you can ever imagine and I know that if you give me a chance. And let me love you and show you how great of a person I am, you will see that I am the best man for you!!!" When he noticed the tone of his voice,he calmed himself and bent down towards  Eve who was already tired of kneeling down. "I am sorry I shouted at you,I will never raise my voice at you again.... i do not know what came over me,please forgive me". Eve was scared,Joe was beginning to show his real self. Maybe this was who he truly was and he could not hide it anymore. How in the world did she end up in the hands of  such a psychopath!!.

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