kicks and a name

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Clary looked huge. Well, she was huge, Clary couldn't lie about that she was 25 weeks pregnant after all and she was going to get bigger. Sat on her bed Clary was sketching in her sketchpad as she waits for Jace to come home from patrol.

"Hello the most beautiful woman in the world,"Jace said with his familiar beautiful smile as he walked into the bedroom all in gear. Clary looked up from her sketchbook with a bright smile "Hello to you too,"she said as they both lean in giving each other a kiss on the lips.

Jace started to get changed into more comfy clothes of a grey hoodie and some sweatpants. "So how was your day today?"Jace asked as he kicked off his boots. Clary couldn't help but chuckle "I feel like a married mundane couple when you speak like that." Jace chuckled as he puts on his hoodie "Well we are married, and I actually want this pregnancy to be as mundane as possible, no demon attacks, no training, no nothing, I just want you to relax and to be healthy."
"Very thoughtful,"Clary said with a smirk forming on her lips. Jace laid onto the bed next to Clary "Well, I am a thoughtful guy,"he said pecking Clary on the lips.

Jace rested his head onto Clary's shoulder and he started to trace his finger tips onto Clary's growing baby bump drawing patterns. "How is she doing?"he asked.
"Good,Causing Mommy to have lots of sickness, meaning she's growing just fine and is completely healthy,"Clary replied. A small smile formed onto the side of Jace's lips "That's good." Clary started to run her fingers through Jace's Natural blonde hair "You know, we still need to name her." Jace turned to look at his wife and shrugged a little "We do,"he said with agreement "but nothing common, I want our little girl to have a unique name,something with a meaning, One of a kind." Clary nodded with agreement "I agree, we still have a few months to think of something so don't stress about it."
"Me, stress?"Jace asked "You're the one who shouldn't be stressing."
"I need a break,"Clary laughed "That's what."
"Then I'll take you somewhere,"Jace said "Paris. I've always wanted to take you to Paris. We can see every single gallery, Eat as many croissants as you want, go to the top of the Eiffel tower it'll be dead romantic if I say so myself."
Clary placed her hand onto her bump giving it a small,gentle,soothing rub "As lovely as that sounds, I think I'd prefer to wait until after the baby is born, I'd be too huge to wear decent clothes, I know I'll be tired after 5 minutes of walking and what if something happens?" Jace hummed with response "Fair enough."
"But we'll go,"Clary said still playing with Jace's hair "I promise." Clary planted a kiss onto the top of Jace's head.

"My Mother went to Paris,"Jace said.
"She did?"Clary asked.

"My Mother lived years in Paris after running away from her abusive family, She went to the Shadowhunter academy where she admired the circle and Stephen and she met Luke."

"Luke knew Celine?"Clary asked Jace. Jace nodded "He did,he tutored her for a while."
"What else happened?"Clary asked intrigued by Jace's story about his Mother. "Valentine made Stephen leave his first wife to marry her and they were expecting their first baby,"Jace said.
"You,"Clary whispered quietly, Jace nodded and there was a few moments of silence. Clary wrapped her arm around Jace and rested her head onto his shoulder,Jace started to play with Clary's hair as he spoke. "It is said that Celine killed herself after Stephen died, I don't even know what to believe,"he said quietly "But I do believe that she was strong and brave."
"Like her son,"Clary added and it was true, Jace was one of the bravest and strongest Shadowhunters that Clary had known.

"I miss my Mom,"Clary said. Joceyln died a few years ago due to a demon attack "yeah?"he asked. Clary nodded "Yeah,"she replied"I spoke to Luke and he told me: about the two of them growing up together,going to the academy, having my brother experimented on with Demon blood and me with the Angel's,the depression she had,the nightmares I just wish that she was here you know? to help me." Jace looked up at Clary "They were both strong women,"he said "Both Jocelyn and Celine. We will make sure that our child grows up knowing about her grandmother's."

"I know what to name our daughter,"Clary said. Jace sat up and looked at Clary with curiosity yet excitement. "You do?"he asked his wife, Clary nodded "I do,"she replied with a small smile. "Tell me,"Jace begged "Please Clary tell me!"
"Celine Jocelyn Herondale,"Clary said. "Think about it for a minute, the name can represent the legacies of 2 incredible women and in a way it keeps them alive and our child would feel pride of being named after her two grandmothers."
"It's perfect,"Jace said. A huge smile grew onto Clary's face "You think so?"she asked. Jace puts a strand of her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek "I know so,"he said "Celine Jocelyn Herondale,"Jace said out loud "I love it and aye its French!"

Clary found this amusing and couldn't help but laugh "It is!"she giggled "Very Clever Jace Herondale, very - ah!" Clary all of a sudden felt a small press against the side of her stomach, a weird tickling kind of feeling, like a kick and the feeling continued getting stronger each time. "By the angel,"she whispered placing her hand against her bump.

"Woah Are you Okay?" Jace asked, Clary doesn't say anything which caused Jace to become immediately worried "Clary?" he asked "Are you okay?" Clary immediately took Jace's hand squeezing it ever so tightly "I-I feel..."
"Let me get someone, "Jace said with Panic rising in his voice, Clary shook her head with a smile forming on her face "No,...The baby is kicking." Jace looked at Clary and blinked "She's what?" he asked. Clary placed Jace's hand against the side of her swollen belly "Jace,feel." There was a moment of silence and Clary turned her head to study Jace's reaction as she felt a slight force in her stomach. Jace's reaction was a picture his eyes widened and he couldn't think of the right words to come out, only stutters "That's -It's -" With a chuckle Clary cupped Jace's cheek with her right hand causing him to look into her eyes "That's our daughter," she said tears forming into her eyes.

"That's incredible,"Jace breathed out "That's our baby?" Clary nodded "It is,"she said smiling ever so widely, strangely Clary liked the feeling of her little girl kicking it makes everything feel so real and its comforting to know that her and Jace have a strong one arriving.

"She's strong isn't she?"Jace asked letting out a chuckle. Clary giggled a little " She sure is, It tickles."
"Do you think she can hear us?"Jace asked his eyes focusing on Clary's bump. Clary nodded "Defentily,"she said. "Magnus told me that babies tend to kick when they hear their parents voices."
"Our voices,"Jace whispered "You are strong aren't you baby girl?"Jace asked talking to the baby inside of Clary's stomach. Clary couldn't help but smile as she watched Jace talk to their little girl. "You're giving us a hard time waiting for you."
Celine kicked again "Okay you're showing off now,"Jace said "and that's okay because Daddy can be a show off too,but you can't keep kicking Mommy okay? I don't think she'll be enjoying the kicks at 3am in the morning, especially as you keep on growing for the next few months,"he rubbed Clary's growing bump softly, "I know that she can be a bore ruining your fun." Clary scoffed a little and smacked Jace on the arm teasingly, Jace stuck his tongue out in response "but I promise you can wriggle and kick as much as you want as soon as you're out , Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you Celine Jocelyn Herondale you are going to be a special angel,I love you, don't you ever forget that. "Jace leaned forward and kissed the centre of Clary's baby bump earning a kick in return causing slight movement to the belly.

Clary placed her hand onto Jace's interlocking them as they look at each other. "You're going to be an incredible father,"Clary said.
"I hope so,"Jace said. Clary kissed Jace gently on the lips "Jace Herondale I know so."

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