Grease is the word

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Shadowhunters do Grease- Part 1

Luke Garraway made his way through Idris Highschool's hallway's one Monday morning with piles of books, papers and folders in his hands as he reaches towards his destination of the notice board, he smiled to himself satisfied as he pins the poster of non other than Idris High's First school musical since 15 years ago when Luke himself was a student and now that Luke is head of the Arts programme he has a goal of bringing back the arts and to bring back the joy that students have when performing, Luke didn't know why or how but since Luke's senior musical no other students after him since wanted to perform, he blames todays society for that and for the funds to have been scrapped, but today is a new day and is the start of something Luke knew was going to be extraordinary and so special that the arts will continue and what better show to start this of than nothing other then 'GREASE' Kids will love it, they can relate to it with being in highschool themselves and having summer romances and flings, Grease is the word!

Clarissa Fairchild Morgenstern who goes by the name of Clary was walking with her two friends down the school hallways on their way to class, her best friend Simon Lewis and Magnus Bane, they had spent the whole of summer vacation together and the friendship group are ready to bring on their senior year which has to be perfect, they plan to do everything together as they always do and try and embrace new exciting experiences before going off into the adult world and separate to college, nothing can ruin their senior year. "Summer was just awesome!" Simon said smiling brightly as he spoke and walked along with their friends, Magnus nodded "It really was wasn't it?" he asked smiling at the memories that he had created with his best of friends over the past months that he would of wanted to go on forever. Clary squeezed both of their hands "And now it is time for our senior year!" she said "This will be the best year of our lives guys, so much to do and see and you know we have next year summer break to look forward to, this will be the best!"
Magnus nodded "We are invincible! Nothing can stop us now!" Simon started to sing the Starship rock anthem 'Nothing is going to stop us now!' making both Magnus and Clary laugh and also start to sing along until something spotted Simon's eye, he stopped at his tracks and adjusted his glasses that were sat on his face "Um guys...look at this." Clary and Magnus turn and their eyes meet with the Grease poster that Luke had pinned up earlier this morning, Magnus started to read out loud "Idris Highschool is proud to announce, the FIRST musical in over 15 years...GREASE!" he started to squeal which made Clary start to squeal and the two of them start to jump up and down on the spot, "They're bringing back Musicals? that's insane!" Simon said he had his hands pressed against the back of his head as he looked at the poster shinning in all of it's glory. "I've always wanted to be in a musical!" Magnus said. "We should all sign up!" Simon beamed. "Give me the fucking pen!" Magnus couldn't contain his excitement. Simon started to laugh as he gave Magnus a pen, "What part do you guys want?" Simon asked, "I'm afraid Simon that the part I want to play is impossible," Magnus sighed as he writes his name scribbling a star next to it, Simon frowned alittle "What? why?" he asked.
"Because Rizzo is a female role and the last time that I checked I am a male."
"You want to play Rizzo? that is awesome!" Simon said,
"Rizzo is super iconic," Clary said linking her arm with Magnus's, "And why shouldn't you audition for Rizzo? it's a new world Magnus and you are Magnus Bane you make the impossible possible!"
"Yeah," Simon chimed in with agreement "And Luke's directing he'll let you audition for the role."

Magnus glanced at his two friends and a small smile formed onto his face, "You both are right, you know what, it's our senior year, why can't I audition for Rizzo?"
"That's the spirit!" Clary beamed. "What about you biscuit?" Magnus asked "What role would you like to play?" Clary bit her lip a little and looked down to the floor suddenly becoming a little embarrassed, there is no way that a girl like her would get a role like Sandy, she isn't pretty enough. "Oh's stupid," Clary said quietly, "Fray nothing is stupid," Simon said softly,
"Yeah," Magnus added "And if I'm auditioning for Rizzo you can audition for the role that you want."
"Sandy," Clary said in a quite voice, "I want to play Sandy."
"Oh biscuit, You will play the perfect Sandy." Magnus said,
Clary looked up at Magnus, "You think so?" she asked,
"Most definitely, the most perfect Sandy everyone had ever seen," Simon said.

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