Greased Lightning

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Shadowhunters do Grease Part 7

Before anyone knew it it was opening night, the night that everyone was waiting for.
The auditorium had transformed and time travelled into the 50's which Luke and the students had spent all morning adding the finishing touches to the set and putting it onto stage and in the afternoon running through the show as many times as they could before the night approaches.

There was this buzz and excitement that filled the students as the night and stage were awaiting for them, the cast were all back stage finishing getting into costume and doing their makeup trying to hide their nerves, the boys were styling their hair by adding a tone of gel (even more than what they would wear on a daily basis) and combing it through with a thin tooth comb all copying photos of their characters from the movie that were on their phones, Magnus was the only one who decided to keep his own hair and wore the costume of a black shirt with a matching scarf and trousers with a Pink Ladies jacket instead of wearing the black dress that Rizzo would of worn if being played by a girl and Simon is playing 2 different characters in the show himself being the lead singer of 'Rock Solid Panda' that will perform the opening song and the high school dance off numbers wearing an outfit similar to the rest of the boys who were wearing Leather 'T Bird' jackets (That Jace will most definitely be keeping) and black slick jeans, Simon also has another costume for his other character Teen Angel that is a simple White top buttonless shirt with matching white trousers and shoes.

The girls were also styling their hair, all using curling irons and rollers to get the big volume of 50s hair, Clary had also decided to keep her original hair (Who wouldn't love a red head Sandy?) and styled it simple half up and half down being slightly braided and waving down her back and then later having Izzy help her curl it for the end of the show when Sandy is wearing a leather outfit of a black shoulder length top, tight slim Jeans and some killer high heeled boots that Clary most desperately and badly to take home. Izzy had her hair tied up into a high ponytail and then was going to wear a bright Pink Wig for when Frenchie had her hair dying accident and goes into 'Beauty School Drop Out.'

"Shit!" Izzy cursed sprinting into the Boy's changing room not giving care who was getting dressed as it was nothing that she hasn't seen before with living with three brothers and having a few past boyfriends, This was important. "Alec!" she gasped out running all in costume wearing her Pink Ladies Jacket "Mom and Dad Are Here!" Alec turned to face his sister as he was putting on his T Birds Jacket and looked as if he was in a horror movie, "W-what?" he asked,
"I had a little peak at the audience as I was getting some water, Mom and Dad are here with Max." Alec blinked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, Alec hasn't seen or heard from his parents since he'd left home, Alec was still staying at Magnus's apartment. Jace walked over to Alec also in full costume, "That's great isn't it?" he asked "They could be here to make things right with you-"

Alec didn't believe him for one second "Fat chance that happening," he scoffed.
"Alexander-" Magnus sighed,
"No!" Alec snapped "You don't know what it's like!"
"I know-" Magnus said gently trying to calm Alec down but he would not stop and didn't listen, "Because you don't have any parents to hate you for being you!" Alec burst out, The room fell quite and Magnus flinched a little at Alec's harsh words, Alec didn't say anything else and stormed out of the dressing room. Izzy was about to go after him when Magnus stepped forward "I'll go after him," he said and ran out of the dressing room to follow him, Magnus knew that Alec didn't mean what he'd said but he was also not wrong, Magnus didn't know what it was like to be in Alec's shoes.

"Hey..." Simon said quietly as he approached Izzy, Izzy turned to look at Simon, "Oh...hey Simon," she sighed a little, "Are you okay?" Simon asked sensing that something was wrong. "Simon I don't think that it's a good idea for me to sing your song tonight-" Simon frowned, "What? Why?" he asked with what Simon had thought, he'd thought that by now Izzy would of agreed to it they'd rehearsed the songs a few times together in private and she sounded really good. "You were getting so good-"
"I can't Simon," Izzy said "I want too but I can't."
"Then sing it if you want too!" Simon tells her "There's no such thing as you can't because I've seen you do it!" Izzy looked as if she was about to cry but refuses too, "I'm Sorry Simon," she said trying to disguise the wobbliness with in her voice "But you can't force me to do anything," and she turned, walking out of the dressing room leaving Simon by himself, who couldn't help but feel sad not just for himself but for Izzy too, Simon walked over to one of the dressing tables and buried his face into his two hands "Shit!" he breathed out.

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