The Parent Pact

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Hey Angels!
Oh boy, this story had taken me days to write and it is a long one. This focus's on Clary and Alec's friendship with a little Clace and Malec on the side along with the themes of postpartum depression and finding yourself again, so If you get triggered easily by these 2 major themes I suggest that you give this story a miss but otherwise I do hope that you enjoy reading 😊 This story also mentions Ocs and facts are from both the Books and TV Show:) This was also something that I wanted to write for a while and had finally managed to do so.

Clary closed her eyes let's out a giggle as she felt a pair of familiar strong protective arms snake around her waist and pulled her in close from behind. Clary couldn't stop her smile from growing that was already on her face knowing exactly who it was without even opening them. "Hello Mr Herondale," she said.
Clary could feel Jace's lips transform into a grin against her skin and lets out a chuckle "Hello Mrs Herondale," he whispered.
Clary naturally wrapped her arms around Jace's that were comfortably resting against her waist and leaned her back against his frame opening her eyes to be looking at their reflection in the mirror that stood on the dressing table in front of them in their shared bedroom. Jace cuddled into Clary and buried his face into the crook of his wife's neck before planting a kiss at her shoulder also not helping but smile at their reflection.

"What do I owe this pleasure?" Clary asked. Jace started to create a trail of pecks and kisses down Clary's neck causing Clary to let out a breath which she didn't realise she had been holding as Jace kissed a sensitive spot that had always drove Clary Mad, "Jace-"

"You're my Wife aren't I allowed to give you the love and affection that you deserve?" Jace asked. Clary bit the bottom of her lip and looked down at the gear that she was wearing, she knew exactly what Jace was doing from the start, she knows her husband inside out and wasn't going to give him the satisfaction playing Jace at his own game.

Clary turned her body around so that their face's were only inches apart feeling Jace's breath hot against her skin, her lips only just touching Jace's, Clary could hear and feel Jace take in a sharp uneven breath as his Golden eyes looked into hers "God you're so Beautiful," Jace breathed out "So fucking Beautiful-" Clary responded by smashing her lips to Jace's sending him completely off guard, Clary pulled away with a teasingful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips "Just Shut up and kiss me," she whispered.
"Gladly," Jace whispered back mirroring the same tone as Clary's.

Without even hesitating Jace kissed Clary back already not getting enough of her intoxicating lips, the more Jace kissed her the more he craved for their taste, falling deeper into Clary's spell. Clary smiled into the kiss and decided to go even further with the game, she pushed Jace onto their bed and got it so that she was lying on top of him. Perfect, exactly where she wanted to be.

Jace hummed and conciously cupped Clary's cheeks deepening the kiss with ongoing desire and passion that he had for this woman which was enough to drive Jace insane, "Clary," Jace breathed out before starting to kiss all the way down and over her body.

Clary had to fight with every muscle and Will power that was in her body to not get too lost into Jace's touch as she always does, Clary lets out a breath which she didn't realise she had been holding feeling Jace kiss at her belly where her stretch marks and scars were from having their 5 year old daughter Celine and their newborn Son Jonathan who was still only 3 weeks. Clary could feel the heat of her cheeks flare up into a violent blush, transforming her entire face, she had been self conscious of her body since having Jonathan.

Clary pulled away irruptingly whilst heavily breathing unevenly, her heart practically thumping out of her chest "Jace-" she choked out feeling her eyes sting at the brim of tears.

Jace immediately sat up with his eyes searching her face with instant worry, this wasn't the first time that this had happened. "Clary-" he started,
"I know what you're doing-" Clary snapped cutting Jace off mid sentence"I know why you're doing this,"

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