Malec~Til Death do us part

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I've got this idea from a image on Pinterest so I don't take full credit,I just added my own scenes into it to make it my own.

Magnus Lightwood Bane looked at the wedding ring on his finger and tears rolled down his fragile cheeks. It's been a month since Alec Lightwood Bane's death,and ever since that haunting day Magnus could no longer think straight. His mind was all over the place,and pain was hugging onto his chest almost every second of every minute of every hour of everyday.

Taking a few deep shaken breaths Magnus then looked up at his dressing table that was covered of pictures of him and his husband throughout the years,each one of them showing Alec growing older,with grey starting to show through his hair,and wrinkles appearing onto his skin,Magnus just looked the same in every photograph and that caused the pain inside of Magnus's heart to increase.

Magnus looked at one particular photograph. Their wedding day. With shaken hands Magnus picked up the photo and studied everything that caught the eye. Alec's smile,his eyes looking at his husband with pure love and admiration,how Much Magnus would give to see those beautiful eyes,and gorgeous smile that lifted his heart up making it beat even faster every time Magnus laid eyes on them again. How he wished for his Alexander to hold him again like he did in the wedding photo, to feel his lips connected to his,to hear his voice.

Magnus could no longer take it. With hurt,anger and frustration he threw the photograph onto the floor and burst into hysteric sobs and cries. "Alexander!" he wailed,Magnus collapsed onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow screaming out the pain against it,praying that the pain he was feeling would disappear.

Magnus had started to calm down taking as many breaths as he could inbetween the tears and he felt a hand brushing onto his shoulder. Hesitantly Magnus slowly turned his head and his eyes widened seeing that his Alexander was in front of him. His hair no longer grey, his slight curls were dark and brown,the wrinkles had disappeared completely and his smile,the smile that Magnus had missed the most,Magnus couldn't believe what he was seeing. Magnus froze a little and covered his mouth with his shaking hand to keep him from yelling not knowing if it was an hallucination,until finally Magnus removed his hand "Alexander..."

" Its me, "Alec said smiling at him,the same smile he had every time he saw Magnus "I'm here."
"H-how?" Magnus stuttered.
Alec took Magnus's hand squeezing it tightly into his palm, "Sssh," Alec hushed soothingly. Feeling Alec's touch Magnus closed his eyes letting silent tears roll down his cheeks "Alexander..." he breathed out. Alec wiped away Magnus's tears gently with his thumb "I'm here," he repeated. Magnus opened his eyes again and looked straight into Alec's "My I missed you," Magnus whispered.
"I miss you too," Alec said "but I'm with you,watching over you,making sure that you're okay."
Magnus shook his head "I'm not,I'm not okay," he whispered his voice breaking a little. "You're grieving," Alec tells him gently "You're going to be okay Magnus,I promise even if it doesn't seem like it is right now."
" How do you know? "Magnus asked.
" Because I'm waiting for you, "Alec said.
Even more tears swelled up into Magnus's eyes "I'm immortal Alexander..." Alec ran his fingers through Magnus's hair "You just need to wait,can you do that for me?" Magnus nodded "Anything..."

Alec stood up and puts his hand out. "W-what are you doing?" Magnus asked. "I think it's time for one last dance," Alec said. Magnus puts his hand into Alec's and the two start to slow dance together. There wasn't any music playing but the silence was just as powerful. Magnus buried his face into the crook of Alec's neck closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of his husband against him tears of happiness yet sadness poured down onto the fabric of Alec's collar. "I don't want you to go," Magnus whispered "Please Don't leave me." Alec gave Magnus a small sad smile "I don't have a choice baby," he whispered. Magnus couldn't stop crying "Why not?" he asked "I can look after you,we can be together again,don't you want that?"
"I want nothing more," Alec tells Magnus "But I've moved onto another life,My family need me over there: Jace,Izzy...Even Clary."

Magnus couldn't help but at out a small chuckle inbetween his tears "I love you Alexander Gideon Lightwood Bane," Magnus whispered taking hold of Alec's hand squeezing it as tightly as he could not wanting to let go ever again. "I love you too Magnus Lightwood Bane. Til Death do us part," Alec said before leaning in and connecting his lips to Magnus's. Magnus kissed Alec back with pure love and desperation cupping Alec's cheek and letting even more tears escape from his eyes "My Alexander," he breathed out.

Magnus had fallen asleep against Alec,and Alec gently tucked him into bed. "Goodbye my love," Alec whispered before planting a kiss onto his forehead. As Alec parted away his body transformed and standing in his place was Tessa Grey. Tessa had tears in her eyes looking down at her oldest friend fast asleep "You're going to be alright Magnus," she whispered to him"I promise."

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