Chapter 55 - The Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"Duryodhan! Don't forget that you are talking about the daughter in law of kuruvansh. Any finger pointed at her means a finger pointed at the whole kuruvansh." Pitamah stated.


"Mahamahim is right my child. Aahana is the princess of Dwaraka and putra Yudhishthir's wife. We should respect her. There is nothing to discuss further." Gandhar raj said in his sickly sweet voice and Duryodhan stepped back.

"Now Yudhishthir, tell us your decision." Maharaj said.

"Maharaj, you are just like our father and a father is proud of his son when they achieve something on their own. So to make you proud of your sons, I, panduputra Yudhishthir, demands the land of Khandavprasth as my desired kingdom so that we can take it to new heights with your blessings." Yudhishthir announced and Shakuni and the kauravas rejoiced. Pitamah was unhappy with the decision but Vidur has already told him about Yudhishthir's decision last night. Reluctantly, he had to agree with what he said.

"Well, as you desire putra Yudhishthir." Maharaj said overly excited. He was very happy that he didn't have to sacrifice a prosperous part of his kingdom.

"I, hence crown Yudhishthir as the king of Khandavprasth. But remember Yudhishthir, your kingdom will not be independent. You cannot have your own flag and you cannot make your own rules. Your each and every decision will be mediated by Hastinapur until and unless you perform a rajsuya yagya. In that, you will have to gain confidence of 100 kings of Aryavart who will be ready to accept you as the Chakravartin Samrat of Aryavart." Maharaj said as he mentally smirked. No way in the world was this possible.

"Your words are our orders maharaj." Yudhishthir politely said and bowed his head in front of Maharaj. Then Yudhishthir's rajya abhishek was done with proper rituals and he was declared the king of Khandavprasth. His brothers looked at him proudly. After almost an year of hard life, he was finally getting what he deserves.

Aahana's thoughts were just the opposite. She knew this was just the beginning of their troubles and journey.

"Maharaj, today itself, I along with my wife, my brothers, their wife and our mother will move to Khandavprasth

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"Maharaj, today itself, I along with my wife, my brothers, their wife and our mother will move to Khandavprasth." Yudhishthir said with folded hands as now he was accompanied by his family.

"Putra Yudhishthir, I'm sorry but I cannot allow Kunti to leave with you. She is the daughter in law of kuruvansh. After my brother Pandu's demise, she is our responsibility." Maharaj said and all of them stood shocked. Arjun and Karna looked at Kunti who sat near Gandhari. She looked heartbroken.

"Dhritrashtra, Kunti is their mother." Pitamah whispered.

"But she came in this palace as the daughter in law of kuruvansh." Maharaj countered.

"I'm sorry for interrupting Maharaj but after a woman's husband's demise, the woman becomes the responsibility of her sons and not his brother in law." Aahana said politely jumping into the conversation.

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