Keigo Takami (Hawks)

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I know I've been dead I'm sorry I'm trying to write requests but I was suddenly struck with Hawks inspiration where he gets mad cuz you were being stoopid in the field.

Also I'm writing an unrequested Deku one.

School starts tomorrow and I'm moving up into the high school so I have to figure that shit out and the layout of it so- just keep that in mind please

^^^that's how long I've been working on this, I'm in history class currently, on the last day of the third week of school-

You are a third year(19) and Hawks is 22 so there's only a 3 year age gap and it's legal so-

And don't even try that "tHe lEgAl AgE iN jApAn iS tHIrTeEn" bs cuz that's only true in some parts of Japan and it still creeps me out, kapeesh? Capiche? Quapish? Idk how to spell it but you get the point-

You can grow wings- that's your quirk, but it takes a second, so if you're falling, you could very well be screwed

And I have done a grand total of zero editing to this sooooo-...

Reader POV

"Guys guys! You know what hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday in the middle of the night?" Yuka sits down beside us as soon as our teacher makes the rest of the day a free period. "Yesterday was our last sports fest."

"Man... It's hard to believe that this is our last year at UA..." Tanji stares at the application form for work studies since he doesn't already have one.

"Where do you think you guys will go?" Keiichi glares at his paper like if he looks hard enough, all the answers will unfold.

"It would be amazing to be Fatgum's sidekick, but Tamaki definitely already has that in the bag this year, so there's no hope for me." Yuka sighs.

"I'm staying with Hawks." I smile.

"Yeah, yeah we get it, you got spotted by a hero in the top three last year who's hard to win over and he loves you like a son or a little brother or something." Keiichi moves his glare from the paper to me.

"You're so lucky (C/NNNNNN)!! You never had to deal with all the stress of picking a work study! You got scouted by a great hero!" Tanji whines, dramatically draping himself over the desk.

I laugh and pat him on the head. "Hawks can be a handful, believe me."

"How?! He's, literally perfect!"

"How do I put this? There is a fine line between being a sassy lil gay boi who everyone loves and just being a straight up asshole. Hawks, likes to take that line and jump rope with it."

Yuka snorts. "That does sound like a lot to deal with!"

Tanji sighs, pressing his face against his desk. His words are muffled, but clear, "I would literally pay for Hawks to come in right now and shoot me in the head."

"Tanji, nO-"


"Maybe I'll have to introduce you sometime. So you know he is not the man you want to kill you. There are much better options. Like Tom Holland-"

"Don't say that!" He acts offended, but he loves Tom Holland too, we've had the discussion.

None of them know about my crush on Keigo. I act like I'm annoyed and it doesn't affect me, but his flirting eventually won me over. I flirt back most of the time, trying to be cocky and make him think everything is just a game. But deep down, it kinda hurts that the only way he'll ever love me is like a brother.

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