Katsuki Bakugou

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I totally forgot about this, it's been finished for like a month but I forgot to publish it-

Reader pov

Today is absolute shit.

I failed a test, my boyfriend broke up with me, my dysphoria is going crazy even though I got top surgery last year and I've been on testosterone for three years, and on top of everything, everyone forgot my coming out day.

I don't usually make a big deal about my coming out day, but it's more important to me than my birthday, so nobody even saying anything is pretty shitty. I would usually go to Izuku or Tsuyu or Kirishima or maybe even Tokoyami to talk about things, but they were all gone for their work studies. Like really, what are the odds? That's just my luck.

I was off all day. I doubt anyone noticed. After school, I went directly to my dorm and cried to myself. I felt so stupid. So weak. Just all around awful.

There's a knock on the door. Maybe Izuku got back from his work study early?

I quickly wipe the tears from my face. "Just a minute!" I call out. I go into my bathroom (I got my own because I'm trans so I don't get uncomfortable in the boys' communal bathrooms) and I get a cold wash cloth and hold it to all the blotchy areas on my face so it doesn't look like I was just crying.

After I was done, I go to open the door. I was only wearing sweatpants, but that doesn't matter. Nobody here hasn't seen me shirtless. I paid 400,000 yen for this chest, I'm not not going to show it off!

I put on my happy face and with the most cheerful voice I can muster, I answer the door. "Hey, Izuku! Sorry for the. . . Wait. . ." I slow down when I see who it is. "Bakugou?"

"Sorry if you were expecting the nerd for something. He's still not back yet." His hands are in his pockets and he has an awkward kind of stance.

"What are you doing here?"

He sighs, but it sounds more defeated than annoyed for once. In a voice I never heard him use before, he asks me softly, kindly, "Can I come in?"

I was shocked at first, but I moved aside to let him in my dorm. Once he was inside, I closed the door. "Is. . . something wrong?"

"I don't know." He looks at me. "Is there?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't be like that! I saw you today! You. . . you looked like you were. . . I dunno. . . at an all time low, I guess. . ."

"I. . ." I'm not really sure how to respond. I didn't think anyone noticed, let alone Bakugou!

"So what's wrong?" His tone seems softer than usual. Almost comforting. It was strange. But not unpleasant.

I can feel the tears start to swell in my eyes again. "A whole lot. . ." My voice cracks.

Then he does something I never expected.

He wraps his arms around my torso tightly in a strong hug.

It makes me feel strangely protected. Better.

"Go ahead." He says. It's something just short of a whisper. "I get it. Cry."

And I do.

I let the tears fall freely and wrap my own arms around him. I sob. My voice catches in my throat sometimes and it's hard to breathe, but it feels good oddly enough.

He slowly leads us over to sit on my bed. He rubs small circles on my back. His arms feel stronger than they look when they're around me.

He was silent, but that's just what I needed until I stopped crying.

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