Any Ideas?

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I posted the same thing on my Haikyuu x FTM reader

Okay so I'm not out to many people and of those people only like... One (?) respects my prefered name/pronouns. He's been calling me Roman for a while because I was really big into Sanders Sides when I first realized u was trans, but I'm not sure if I want that to be my forever name? I was thinking Phoenix or Felix? But neither really seem to fit me perfectly, no matter how much I like them. If any of you have suggestions, it would be helpful. I really like I used names but I also really like masculine names. There are some names that are supposed to be unisex but I link more with female (like Leslie because the only place I heard the name before I got into Broadway like five years ago was Bridge to Terrebithia and that was a girl) sooo?

Idk you don't have to like search up names or anything but if you have any suggestions off the top of your head I'll take them!

I'll get an actual chapter out here soon I promise.

BNHA x Transmasc ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ