Hitoshi Shinsou

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Is it Shinso or Shinsou? Idk I'll just say Shinsou but if that's wrong I'll edit this

Reader pov

I was pretty tight on cash, especially now that I'm living in the dorms so my parents aren't giving me an allowance. They always based how much I got in my allowance by what chores I did and how many there were, so now that I'm not living with them, I can't really do that.

On the weekends, a lot of students stay home for a night or two, but since I live pretty far from the school, I don't.

So, naturally, I picked up a babysitting job nearby, just to see if it'll work with my schedule. I'm looking after a five year old girl named Eri tonight (Friday) for 1798.90 Yen an hour. ((16.75 US dollars or 13.60 pounds))

"Hey, Shinsou!" I smile as I sit down next to him.

"What are you doing?" His chewing became confused, if that makes any sense.

"I told you that I would eat lunch with you!"

"Wait- you were serious??"

"Of course!"

"Uh, okay. . ."

He didn't talk to me the rest of lunch. He almost seemed annoyed with me. I was only trying to give him some company. Everyone looked at him and saw a villain. They wouldn't even answer any questions he asked, even the teachers refused to verbally answer any questions he asked in class.

I just wanted him to feel better. It was obvious his mental state wasn't in the best condition.

After I go back to my dorm and get changed out of my uniform, I go to the address of the girl I'm babysitting, which is only about half a mile away from the school.

A surprise welcomes me, well, welcome may be the wrong term, at the door. It was the purple gremlin himself.

"Shinsou?" I tilt my head. "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong house! I'm supposed to be babysitting a little girl tonight. I could have sworn this was the address. . ."

He sighs. "Yeah, you have the right place. The little girl is Eri, right?" I nod. "That's my little sister. Come on in, my parents are getting ready to leave."

I step into the house and take off my shoes. "Are you leaving with them or-"

"Nah, they just don't trust me to be home alone with Eri. Which is fair enough. Last time wasn't good. There was fire."

"O-oh. . . okay then. . ." My voice cracks.

"Dad! Pa! The babysitter is here!"

"I have a name-"

"I know, I just don't care to remember it."

".... Ouch-"

Mr. Aizawa comes down the hallway wearing semi-formal attire. "(C/n), I'm so glad you could make it. Thank you so much."

"Of course! I'm happy to help." I knew all along who I was working for, I just had no idea the Aizawa on the phone was THE Aizawa in my class.

But nothing could have prepared me for Present Mic, also in semi formal attire, to carry a little girl with blue hair and a horn on her forehead into the room and sets her down. "Eri, this is (C/n), they'll be your babysitter."

I try to ignore the fact that I just found out that Eraserhead and Present Mic are not only an item but also have two kids together and act like it's just an everyday occurrence. "Hi Eri! It's so good to meet you."

She looks at me and then at Present Mic and then back at me and then at Aizawa and then back at me and back to Present Mic before she whispers somewhat loudly to Mic, "papa is (C/n) a boy or a girl?"

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