Quick Binder PSA

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Hello frendos!

So, as you all know, in past story parts I have absolutely praised gc2b as a choice for getting mostly affordable, high quality binders. Well, it has come to my attention that unfortunately they have become so high in demand over the past few years that it has become quality<quantity and they have gone significantly downhill in longevity and durability.

So, I wanted to let all of you fellas know that they are perhaps not the best option anymore and be weary if you choose to buy one.

Also, here are some alternatives:

For Them



Xuji (this is on Amazon and as far as I understand, it is similar to gc2b quality but cheaper and it has more fabric under the arms while one of gc2b's problems with many people is that the arm holes are too low so it can lead to cleavage)

Shapeshifters (more expensive but also more size inclusive if you are a bit larger chested)

FTM Essentials

Peecock (sells mostly packers but also has binders)


Trans Missie

If you know any more, or if you have personal experience with any of these companies, please comment I really want these books to be a safe place for people in the transmasc community to be themselves and receive and share information to remain safe and aware.

I love you all, stay safe, take off your binder, don't use bandages or tape, drink some water, eat something of nutritional value, and get some sleep.

BNHA x Transmasc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now