Denki Kaminari (REQUEST)

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Requested by teardropsxillusions
I did the scenario you said, but then ADHD happened and I went completely off course, I'm sorry😅

Reader POV

"I wanna be a dog today." I think out loud. Shinso, Denki, Tokoyami, Shoji and I decided to get breakfast together this morning before school to celebrate everyone passing midterms.

"And on today's episode of Things I Never Thought I'd Hear, But Here's (C/n) To Prove Me Wrong. . ." Tokoyami shook his head.

"That's so weird, bro." Denki laughed with me.

"Denki you have had your tongue in my mouth on multiple occasions and you're calling me bro?" I raised an eyebrow, finishing my bagel.

"Aaannd that's my cue to leave." Shinso takes the last bite of his muffin and stands up to throw away his trash.

Denki is blushing a lot from my comment and hiding his face in his hands. According to the time on my phone, school starts in fifteen minutes. "Yeah, we should probably get going." I throw away my trash and use my quirk to turn into a small dog.

Shinso sighs. "Did you really just turn yourself into a yorkie?"

"Yes. Yes I did." I started trotting my way to school in the middle of the group.

"You'll never understand how strange and weird it is to see a dog speaking human." Tokoyami sighs.


"I suppose you have a point. . ." He eats some granola he didn't finish at the cafe.

"Okay, so I've been meaning to ask this for a long time, but I keep forgetting but now before I forget again, can I ask you something (C/n)?"

"Uhh. . . Sure. Shoot."

"What happens to your clothes when you turn into an animal?"

I stop walking.

What does happen to my clothes when I use my quirk?

"I. . . I've honestly never thought about that. . . and I have no idea. . . "

Denki picks me up because I was too shocked to move. "Aww, (N/n)! Are you shooketh?"

"Extremely shooketh. . ." He laughs a bit.

Damn, that laugh is making me fall for him all over again. . .

"You might want to change back soon, we're almost at school and I don't wanna kiss a dog before we seperate." I turn back into a human and he almost drops me. "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT VERY SECOND! WARN ME!!"

I giggle. "You told me to change back!"

He shakes his head, smiling. "You're lucky I love you."

"I sure am. . . "

"What do yo-" He starts, but gets cut off by Shinso.

"Hey, lovebirds! This is where we part ways."

Denki stopped walking and set me down. "I guess it is." He kissed me quickly. "Remember to take off your binder for gym class, okay? I love you." He kissed me again.

I chuckled. "Denki, baby, I got top surgery last summer, remember?" He blushed.

"Right! Sorry, I guess it's just a habit. . ." He laughed a bit. "Still be safe. I love you!"

"I love you too! Bye, Denki!" He walked to the hero course class 1-A with Shoji and Tokoyami while I walked over to Shinso to go to general studies class 1-C.

BNHA x Transmasc ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora