Katsuki Bakugou

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So. Much.


Bakugou pov

I just want this stupid week to be over! This damn internship isn't doing anything for me! There's no crime happening! I mean, I guess that's kind of a good thing, but still. It makes my life boring. I just-

My phone dings.

Weird. I always keep it on do not disturb when I'm at school. This is sort of the equivalent right now. The only acception I set is when I get a text from (C/n).

I glance up to make sure the Jean Man isn't looking at me and take out my phone real quick. All it is is a map with his location and a voice recording. I click to listen to the recording and hold my phone up to my ear.

"Kat. . . su. . . come. . . quick. . . Please. . ." I almost drop my phone. He sounded breathless. Not in a good way.

I go up to the Jean Man, my breathing has gotten strange and my palms are so sweaty I have to constantly wipe them on my pants so I don't cause a huge explosion. "I have to go!" My voice is shakey.

Jeanist turns around. "What could possibly be more important than patrolling so much so that you have to leave in the middle of it?"

"I just. . . I have to go." I turn and start running. To my surprise, he didn't try to stop me. I pull up the location on my phone and get there as fast as I can. I can't use my quirk because I'm sweating too much.

When I get there, (C/n) is laying face down on the pavement. I run over to him, kneeling down. He doesn't look like he's breathing all too well. I sit down all the way so that I pull his head into my lap.

"Wake up dammit! Wake up! DAMMIT!!!" I lower my head. I hadn't realized that I was actually crying. He does things like that to me. Makes me do things I never do. Makes me better.

Which is exactly why I can't lose him.


I check his body for wounds. They're all over, but I can't even see most of them clearly because of the tears swelling in my eyes, making my vision blurry.

"Dammit! DAMMIT!!" I don't even know if it's safe to pick him up. "Come on, (C/n)! Please! Don't do this to me! We. . . There's still so much to do! Baby, please don't leave me! Saturday is movie night at my place! The whole squad will be there! It's your choice! You can make us all watch a movie that we don't want to watch and you honestly don't either, but you can enjoy watching the rest of us suffer because it's such a bad movie and. . . And we can cuddle on the couch! My hair will be back to normal so you can play with it the way you love to! Please! Just wake up! I'm begging you! Baby, please! I can't lose you! I can't. . . Lose, you. . . " I pull him closer and cry harder. If I pick him up, that could just hurt him more. It could kill him. This just. . . it can't be happening. It must be a dream. A very, very bad dream. It has to be!

I hear footsteps entering the alleyway. Looking up, I'm half expecting to see the bastards that did this. But it's Jeanist. His eyes are wide with what I'm guessing is shock.

"Please. . . I don't know if it's safe to lift him. . . you have to help him. . ." I almost whisper.

He nods and makes a platform with his quirk. It's structured in a way that it's safe to put (C/n) on and won't cause him to move too much out of his current position.

We lift him onto the platform and make our way to the hospital as fast as possible. They take him into a room, but we have to stay outside while they work with him. I had to fill out a medical form since I'm the only one that knows what to put down. I actually feel really guilty when I have to put down female for the sex. I was able to out down male for the gender, but they have to know what his body looked like and that he was taking testosterone shots.

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