Shoto Todoroki

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My parents told me the story of their first kiss today so I wanted to make this
Now I'll be honest, I don't have the best relationship with my parents but this was some funny shit

Reader pov

"You look amazing, (C/n)!" Mina smiled. She and Kirishima are helping me get ready for my date with Shoto. We have been going out for a while and today is my birthday, so he wanted to do something special. He's taking me to this nice restaurant for dinner.

"Do you think you guys will finally kiss tonight?" Kirishima asked, hanging upside down off of my bed.

"I don't know! We haven't been dating that long! Neither of us want to rush things. . ." I look down with a blush on my face.

"You guys have been going out for three months!" Mina exclaimed. "Do, you want to kiss him?"

"I- we- I mean-" I stutter before sighing. "Yes. . . I do want to kiss him. . . But I want to make sure he wants to kiss me. . ."

"He totally wants to, dude!" Kirishima got off my bed. "Trust me!"

"How would you know?" I cock an eyebrow. (I can smell the comments)

"We're bros!" He exclaims. "Just trust me on this."

"If you say so..."

Half an hour later

"Wow, you look... Striking..." Shoto has a pretty prominent blush on his face when he sees me, ultimately making me blush.

"Thanks... I don't often dress up like this, huh? You look amazing as always" I smile. "We should get going."

"To-" he shakes his head "right, the restaurant. Our reservation." He takes my hand. "I got another surprise too"

"Oh? And what might that be?"

We get to the parking garage and he shows a car that I've never seen before. It's really small but it's nice. "Tadaa! I finally saved enough money to buy my own car! No help from my dad!"

"Sho! That's amazing!" I hug him. "It's awesome!"

"It's not much, but I'm proud of it."

"I'm proud of you."

He blushes again. "Thanks... Now let's actually get going." He opens the door for me and then gets in on the driver's side.

Shoto's pov

"Woah- are you sure we can afford this place??"

"No worries. My dad agreed to pay."

"Doesn't your dad hate me and everything about me?"

"Well." I pause. "He didn't... Agree. So to say."

"What do you-"

"I have a credit card linked to his account that he doesn't know about. I'll be using that."

He processes the information for a bit. "You really are the love of my life"

"The-" I cover my face "oh wow that's a new one"

"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to be weird or anything!"

"No! No it's totally fine! It just caught me off guard is all.." I clear my throat "let's go in"

I check us in at the host stand and we get shown to our table. I specifically requested a booth because everyone knows they're superior. Especially here, the booths are shaped like a U so I can sit next to (C/n) and the waiter won't have to reach over either of us.

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