~Ashe x F!Reader~

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This one will be pretty angsty. Some stuff is going on in my family and I'm feeling really depressed. Also, I saw this scenario in my dream before I woke up. I thought it was a pretty good idea. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it.

There are mentions of blood, so read with caution if this is a trigger.

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The class was set for battle. Byleth had completed his plans and told the class. The Blue Lions, along with some of the Golden Deer and Black Eagles, were going out to battle. Rhea was still missing, but Byleth felt that they were close.

(Y/N) was ready for battle. She'd been preparing for months now. Her training with Felix was successful and helped her more every match.

By now, they had been marching for a couple days. (Y/N) had stuck with her boyfriend, Ashe. They joked and talked and stayed by each other's side during the march.

They had been talking with each other, when the army suddenly stopped. Ashe frowned and looked around.

"Um, why have we stopped?" he asked.

(Y/N) stood on her toes to see over the others' heads. Her brows furrowed.

"It looks like the army is meeting us here. I thought we had another day before we reached them."

They shared a look before they heard a battle cry. Byleth pulled out his sword and started towards the other army. (Y/N) took a quick breath, before pulling out her sword.

"Okay, I can do this. I can do this!" she thought.

She separated from Ashe and headed off with her best friend, Lysithea, and the rest of their group. Byleth's orders for the group were to take up battle on the left side of the field. While it was in a place they weren't expecting to fight, they could still follow through with the plan.

Ashe was in the group next to theirs. (Y/N) felt a little reassured that she could keep an eye on him and make sure he was okay.

"I hope you're ready for this," Lysithea said.

"I trained with Felix. I should be fine."

"If you say so."

She shrugged and lifted her wand. (Y/N)'s grip tightened on her sword.

"Let's go!"

(Y/N) took off and began her fight against the soldiers. It seemed a bit too easy for her. She was taking out her enemies quickly and moving on to the next. It looked like they were close to winning. (Y/N) took a deep breath and lowered her sword.

She started to raise it again to continue fighting when pain grew in her back and stomach. She let out a gasp before looking behind her. One of the soldiers had stabbed her with his spear and pulled it out.

She let out a cry as the soldier turned to run away. She lifted her sword and stabbed him before he could get away. He released a cry of pain as he went down. (Y/N) stumbled before falling back. Her head hit the ground, hard. She cried out again and tried to sit up.

Her eyes landed on Ashe, who fired at a nearby soldier.

"A-Ashe! Ashe!" she cried out.

He turned when he heard his name. He froze when he saw her, then rushed over to her.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed.

He knelt next to her and let her rest in his arms.

"Wha-What happened?" he asked.

"I let my guard down. A soldier stabbed me."

Tears slipped down her cheeks. She curled into Ashe as his arms tightened around her. He looked around frantically before his eyes landed on Lysithea.

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