~Leo x F!Reader~

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Just to start this off, I'll go ahead and write one for me!

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(Y/N) studied her crush from a distance. Currently, the blond prince was reading under a tree. You giggled to yourself, smiling as you watched him.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What're you doing?"

You jumped, screeching. Elise stood behind you, an innocent smile on her face.

"E-Elise, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that! It's- It's rude and scary!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, (Y/N)! I just wanted to know what you were doing!"

You sighed and ran your hand down your face.


You turned your attention to the tree, to find that the blond prince was gone.

"H-Hey! He's gone! He was just there!"

Elise watched you, confused.

"Who was?"

You shook your head.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter. Let's go back inside and play!"

Elise nodded. She grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the castle. You went in and up to her room, where you sat on the carpet. Elise dragged over a wooden chest with her dolls. You both set them up and started to play.

The hours passed, and you grew tired. You yawned for the umpteenth time. Elise looked up at you and frowned.

"Are you tired, (Y/N)?" she asked.

You nodded. She took her doll from your grip, taking your now free hand.

"If you're tired, then maybe you should nap. Until dinner, at least. I'll find Jakob and tell him to wake you before then, okay?"

You nodded again, then stood up. You left the room and returned to your own. The lights were out, the curtains over the window. You frowned, but thought nothing of it. You crossed the room to your bed.


You screamed, falling back into someone. You were caught in metal arms, which put you back on your feet. The lights turned on. You turned to see Leo looking down at you disapprovingly.

"Oh, h-hi, Le-Leo!" you stuttered.

"Greetings, (Y/N). I caught you and Elise watching me earlier. Care to explain?" he asked.

"Oh, we- we were playing... Ninjas! Yeah! We were pretending to be ninjas, and-"

His brow rose in suspicion, and your face fell. You started stuttering as Leo leaned closer to you.

"I'd like you to make your presence known next time, instead of being stalked. I do enjoy your company."

He pecked your cheek, then turned and left the room. Odin and Niles quickly followed out, snickers escaping their lips.

You stood frozen, your cheeks burning. You reached up and cupped your face, squealing from the encounter. You jumped up in joy, before passing out on your bed.

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