~(R)Perceval x F!Reader~

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This was requested by peachys-world. Perceval may be out of character, but I did my best to get his personality right. It's kind of short, but I did my best. I hope you enjoy!

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(Y/N) watched as Perceval practiced with the dummies.

It had become routine for the two of them to greet each other once he finished, then head to the dining hall for lunch.

This time, though, (Y/N) had helped the cooks prepare a picnic she wanted to go on. All she had to do was wait for Perceval to finish up.

It was a long time before he finished. But (Y/N) didn't mind. She enjoyed watching Perceval train. It could help her whenever she started training again.

With a final battle cry, Perceval knocked the dummy back with his spear. He backed away and took a deep breath. (Y/N) grabbed a wet cloth and made her way over to Perceval.

He turned to her with a soft smile. (Y/N) handed him the cloth, which he used to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said.

She nodded, then took the cloth from him.

"I'll meet you by the gate," (Y/N) said.

Perceval nodded, then headed to put his spear away. (Y/N) made her way to the entrance to the garden.

It took some time, but Perceval arrived in clean clothes. He held out his arm, and (Y/N) took it.

"What do you have planned for today, (Y/N)?" he asked.

"I prepared a picnic for us. I was thinking we could eat up on the hill, under the big oak tree. What do you think?"

"That sounds wonderful."

(Y/N) smiled up at Perceval, and he returned it. They continued on their way towards the hill.

Once they reached it, (Y/N) settled in the grass and opened the basket. The smell of sandwiches and tea filled the air.

Perceval sat next to (Y/N) as she pulled out plates and cups. She handed Perceval a plate with a sandwich, then pulled out her own and set it aside. She then pulled out a thermos and opened it. She poured the tea into the cups, handing one to Perceval.

They settled against the oak tree. Birds chirped overhead as the couple ate their lunch in peace.

They finished pretty quickly, then snuggled into each other's sides. (Y/N) closed her eyes as Perceval wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"The weather is nice out today," he said.

(Y/N) opened her eyes, looking up at the sky.

"Yes, yes, it is."

Perceval smiled as he looked down at (Y/N). A calmness settled over them as they both watched the sky. The clouds passed, birds chirped, occasionally flying overhead.

(Y/N) rested her head on Perceval's shoulder again. She sighed, then grew quiet. Perceval rested his head on hers, smiling to himself.

"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" he asked.

When he got no response, he lifted his head and looked at (Y/N). She was asleep, a soft smile on her face. Perceval smiled again, before resting his head on hers again.

"I suppose a nap wouldn't hurt anyone," he mumbled.

He closed his eyes, then fell asleep snuggled next to (Y/N).

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