~Claude x F!Reader~

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This one shot contains spoilers to Fire Emblem: Three Houses, so if you do not wish to be spoiled, I suggest you skip this chapter.

You chose to side with the Golden Deer house and have a strong bond with Claude.

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It had been a week since the death of (Y/N)'s father, Jeralt. Everyone in the monastery was still mourning, especially (Y/N).

Classes continued on, like always, and (Y/N) did her best to hide her sorrows. She seemed to be doing a good job, hoping her students wouldn't notice how sad she really was.

Soon enough, classes were ending for the day and the students were dismissed. They left the room, leaving (Y/N) with Sothis nearby. (Y/N) began to tidy her notes, letting her smile fall as she did. Sothis watched from the side, frowning as she watched the professor.

Collecting Jeralt's diary, (Y/N) headed out of the room, making her way to her dorm. Along the way she passed some of the students and several others, but she smiled and replied to their 'hello's'.

The professor opened the door to her room, slipping in. Holding the book to her chest, she released a shaky breath, making her way to her bed. She took a seat as she opened the journal, curling into a ball as she read.

While reading through the journal, (Y/N) felt tears prick her eyes, letting out a sniffle. She read for some more minutes, then closed the journal and set it aside.

She laid down flat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Sothis let out a soft sigh from beside her, looking around the small room.

"If you need anything, I'm here for you," she said.

(Y/N) nodded weakly, closing her eyes as a few tears slipped out. Many minutes of silence passed before there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Teach, you in there?"

(Y/N) froze, then wiped the tears from her eyes. She sat up and made her way to the door, finding Claude at the door.

"Hello, Claude. Is there anything I can help you with?" (Y/N) asked.

"I wanted to check on you, make sure you're holding up."

(Y/N) nodded, opening the door wider.

"I'm doing alright, just preparing for tomorrow's lesson."

Claude nodded, releasing a small smile.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked.

(Y/N) paused, her smile faltering.

"Y-Yeah, I- I'm doing fine, I- I guess?"

Claude frowned, but said nothing. He instead waited for (Y/N) to explain. After a shaky sigh, Claude placed his hand on her shoulder.

"If you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you, Teach."

(Y/N) nodded weakly, releasing a sniffle. Claude turned to leave, but (Y/N) took hold of his hand.

"Wait," she said weakly, "I- I-"

(Y/N) burst into tears, falling into Claude's chest. He stumbled back in surprise, but took hold of her shoulders. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders, unsure of what to do while she cried.

They stood there for several minutes as (Y/N) let loose her tears on Claude's shirt. The time passed slowly, but (Y/N) soon calmed down. She pulled away, wiping at her nose.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Hey, you needed that! I'm just here to help!"

(Y/N) nodded weakly, taking a step back. They stood in silence as (Y/N) still calmed herself. She took a deep breath, then looked up at Claude.

"Thank you, Claude. I really needed that."

"It was no problem, Teach. I'm here if you need me, anytime."

(Y/N) nodded, then Claude pulled her into a hug.

"I'm serious, if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you."

(Y/N) chuckled weakly, before pulling away. Claude sent her a wink, before making his way onward.

The young professor watched him go with a soft smile, before taking a shaky breath and stepping in her room.

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