~Sylvain x Shy!F!Reader (Modern/High school AU)~

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I feel like Sylvain is a little ooc for this one, but I tried my best. I hope you like it!

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(Y/N) eyed the halls warily, watching for a certain redhead. She held her books close to her chest, passing other students. Conversations came and went as she made her way down the hall.

She accidentally bumped into some students, muttering her apology. (Y/N) stepped up to her locker, putting in the combination. Just as she opened the door, a voice rose down the hall.

"Hey, Ashe, have you seen (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) grew tense, looking down the hall. Her eyes met with a set of brown ones, which lit up in glee.

"She was heading to her locker, why?" Ashe replied.

(Y/N) quickly looked away, switching out her books. She slammed the door shut and turned around, to find Sylvain standing right behind her. She squeaked, averting her eyes to the side. Sylvain smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that, it's just me," he said.

A deep blush grew on her cheeks as she cautiously looked into his eyes.

"H-Hi, Sylvain," she stuttered.

His grin grew as he pulled her into a side hug.

"Annette wanted to know if you'd join us after school. We're gonna head out to a movie then get dinner at a diner. You in?" he asked.

"But- But I didn't bring any money," (Y/N) started.

"That's alright, I'll pay for you!"

(Y/N) shook her head, backing into her locker awkwardly.

"I, uh, I don't know-"

"It'll be fine. It's just the regular group, they like having you join us. I do too!"

"Did you- Did you just come look for me to talk?"

Sylvain chuckled as he took her hand, pulling her along to her first class.

"That's part of it. But we do want you to join us. We have a lot more fun with you around, believe it or not."

(Y/N) smiled softly as the two pulled up to the classroom door. Sylvain released her hand, turning to smile at her.

"You can let me know by lunch, or later if that'll work for you."

He leaned in and placed a gentle peck on (Y/N)'s cheek, making her blush.

"I'll see you at lunch?" he asked.

She nodded weakly, sending him a soft smile. He returned it, before pulling her into a hug, then rushing off to find his friends. (Y/N) covered her face once he was out of view, her blush growing deeper as she thought of her boyfriend's question to her.

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