"Sweet darling, your dad has every right to know this. It's not very good to hide things from your parents, you know," the teacher said, giving her a smile one last time before standing up for Akaashi to sit. The teacher says, "She's been very brave,"

Akaashi smiled, not to the teacher, but to his daughter. "So I've been heard,"

"My deep apologies, Mr. Bokuto," she tried to apologize but Akaashi cut her off with a hand of dismissal.

"It's okay. She's very handful," Akaashi said before sitting on the bed next to his daughter, smiling down at her before frowning again once he saw the cast. He turned his head to the teacher and asked, "I'm sorry. Can you give us a moment?"

"Of course. We'll be outside if you need us," she bowed at them before leaving the room.

"Please, don't be mad," the dark blue eyed lad heard a small sniffle as he turned to his daughter.

A horrified expression could be seen from her small face, her green eyes were dark because of the tears that started to form in her little eyes that were used to fill of pure happiness and excitement. Oh, how can you hate her when she made that face so innocently? Akaashi fondly smiled at her before pulling her closer to his side, stroking softly on the cast.

"Why would I be mad?" Akaashi asked so softly to reassure his daughter that he's not what she thought he would be. In fact, he's the opposite.

"I-I thought you would be very angry because I broke my arm. I'm sorry, daddy. I don't want you to be mad," she said with a cute voice that was full of fear. She was so careful with her words, and all Akaashi sees in her is her papa.

"I wouldn't, sweetie. In fact, I'm actually very proud," He didn't miss the confused expression from her daughter which he laughed before clarifying it, "You're very brave to face this alone when me or papa are away. I'm very proud of you,"

"Re-really?" she started to feel more at ease as she perked up of being praised.

"Of course," he kissed her head as she giggled.

Her green eyes then glanced at her dad before excitingly asked, "Quick, daddy! Ask me what happened!"

He laughed. "What happened to your arm, Kaori? I wonder,"

"I was trying to save a cat before the... the twig broke! The cat is safe though!" She proudly said that Akaashi isn't surprised at all.

"That's amazing, sweetie," The dad said before leaning on the bed before smiling away at the memory that came to him. "You know, your papa did something similar like you when he was 18,"

"Huh? Really!? What did he do?" her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Well...," his finger starts playing with her medium wavy raven hair as his dark blue eyes look up to recall the memory with a content smile. "He climbed a tree to take back his favorite red hat, then the branch broke and tore up his uniform,"

"Oh no, that's awful, daddy. Was papa okay?" she frowned while looking up to him.

"He was fine. However, he came to school with a torn uniform and the red hat on his head," Akaashi almost broke into laughter when he remembered how uncool his husband was when he did that. He's surprised he can remember that memory from a very long time.

"Why was he wearing a hat? I think his hair is very cool! He doesn't need a hat," Kaori asked with curiosity written all over her small face.

Akaashi smiled at her before answering, "During that day, he wasn't feeling confident,"

"Were you there to help him, daddy?" she smiled while asked which caused the dad to blush.

"Why, of course. He'd be the most troublesome man on earth if I wasn't there," he joked as she laughed.

TROUBLEMAKER // BokuAkaWhere stories live. Discover now