Chapter 12

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The examination weekdays have started this Monday. Bokuto had studied from his friend's book, Yuki, the manager of the Fukurodani's male Volleyball club. Despite her being his manager, they're in the same class together so he likes to borrow her books for study. Though he studies, he barely can take all the subjects in his rotten brain.

He wasn't scared about if he fails, he knows he can do it, he's very good with improvisation hence he can answer them with his opinions. Sure, he may be wrong, but can you blame his opinions regarding the subject? He at least will get a few points to gain his score.

Though, he is well prepared for his examinations, but turns out his first examination is mathematics. How in the world can he improvise on that subject? That's why he's sulking in the train with Akaashi beside him, on their way to their Fukurodani academy.

The dark blue eyed lad frowned at him before gently squeezing his beefy arm, "Bokuto-san, are you okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?"

The older lad groaned slightly before sighing, "Akaashi, I don't have any motivation to pass my math examination,"

"Again?" Akaashi rolled his eyes before warning him, "You failed your math exam last semester. I don't think it's okay for you to fail again, you barely can make it up during your supplementary session,"

"Ughh, I know! But I don't have any motivation to do so," Bokuto frowned, which caused the younger lad's eyes widened at him.

Oh no! Bokuto's 5th weakness; he won't push himself to do his best without something to fight for. Yes, that's stupid, but so is Bokuto. But it's true he doesn't have anything to fight for to pass for math. Damn it, Akaashi needs to find something to bring Bokuto up to his feet.

He knows he shouldn't, but this is Bokuto's final year hence he needs to have better scores to pursue his dreams. Whatever it is, at least the owl looking lad needs to get good scores in his card. Akaashi squint his eyes as if he can see his favorite person through him while frowning like a little baby, he really needs to find a reason for him to pass his test. Fast.

"Akaashi, can I kiss you?" Bokuto pouted while asking, his voice was low like his hair.

Akaashi blushed before nodding his head. He closed his eyes but was surprised when he just hugged him instead of kissing his head. The train is empty because they have different routes from the city, but Bokuto pressed his body tightly to the younger lad as if he is charging himself.

The older lad loves holding the younger lad in his arms, he loves the smell of him in the morning. But don't get him wrong, Akaashi always smells better, but his morning scent smells more refreshing. Bokuto despised the smell of Akaashi's stress during the day so he adores his morning-fresh smell instead.

He snuggled his face to his hair, loving the curls softly rubbing against his face. Ah, this is exactly what he needs, Akaashi in his arms. Maybe his math exam wouldn't be so bad later, he can still nail them somehow. He needs to pass on one way or another, but how? Bokuto thought for a second while hugging the smaller lad in his arms, loving the feeling of him blushing in his chest.

The train has brought them to their destination yet Bokuto still clings on him as if it's not enough for him. Akaashi literally dragged the older lad out of the Station, he's heavier than he thought but he should've guessed that.

After a few snuggles and whines, Bokuto came back to his sulking mode. Right, Akaashi needs to get back to business if he wants him to pass, but what would it be? What's his motivation? Math score is very crucial for his report card, Bokuto definitely shouldn't fail therefore Akaashi is going to help.

"I should just bury myself in the sand or something," Bokuto whined as he slowed his steps to the school.

"Don't, please," Ugh, he forgot his emo mode could be very troublesome sometimes. How in the world is he going to pick him up to his feet?

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