Chapter 2

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Akaashi went to the school by himself today since Bokuto said something about his hair and he needed to fix it which might take a while longer than usual. The older lad doesn't want his friend to be late so he let him go without him. Though, the younger lad would wait for him but he appreciates the fact that he doesn't want him to be in more trouble than he already is.

The first and second period went well for Akaashi but he can't help but to think about the older lad. His mind darted away when his eyes landed on the clear blue sky from the window, the voices around him were soon muted by accident as the younger lad started to think about the older lad. Is he okay? What if he needs his help? Should he call him today?

On the other hand, Bokuto has just walked out from his house with his bag sling around his shoulder. A pouty face is shown on his face as he tugged his red hat to his eyes so no one would examine his face. He's having a bad hair day, his amazing ombre white hair won't go up like it usually does and he can't call Akaashi to help him. He knows it well that only Akaashi can help him with his hair despite today being his bad hair day.

He is three hours late from class and there's no reason for him to run and make a scene when he's already late. After taking the train, he sulked and pouted on his way to school. Now that he mentioned him being late, he should've skipped school - his hair isn't on point anyway so there's no reason for him to go to school.

"I should've bought Akaashi something. Man, I'm so dumb," Bokuto mumbled before making his way to the usual road. But soon the heavy wind hit his face which caused him to scrunch his nose but quickly opened his eyes when his red hat flew and stuck on a tree. "OH, SHI-,"

As the wind passed by, Bokuto's eyebrows knitted together as he saw where the hat was. The Fukurodani high school is only a couple of blocks away from where he is, but there's no way he'd go on with his hair down like this. He hates it, he's not really confident when it comes to his hair like this. If only Akaashi is here, but Bokuto has caused him enough trouble.

He's debating whether he should leave it behind and get to school with his so-called awful hair or go climb it, he decided to get the red hat one way or another. The golden eyed lad dropped his bag on the ground along with his suit, and untied his tie. He rolled his sleeves before climbing the tree.

"Ugh, so much for Tuesday," he mumbled as he climbed the tree. He then mumbles, "Akaashi would love to hear the story about this,"

That somehow encouraged him to climb even higher to get the hat. When he's high enough from the ground, he then takes a few breathers to enjoy the view. Bokuto smiles like a little kid when he sees a glint of Fukurodani's roof from this tree. What a magnificent view! He sure is impressed, silently thankful for the wind for getting his hat on this tree.

"Alright! Come to papa," Bokuto said as he reached for his red hat. He tugged his tongue upwards from his lips, like he did when he broke the fire alarm.

The branch that he's sitting on is making a cracking sound which is a sign that it won't hold his weight if he keeps on reaching for the hat, but Bokuto is persistent in trying to get it. One way or another, he's going to make himself cool with that hat - not with his hair today. When his fingers finally reached the hat, Bokuto then made happy noises again.

But soon, the branch broke which made his eyes widen before reaching back to the tree but he was too late. He gritted his teeth when he felt his right sleeve were torn and scratch his arm. Nothing can save him except the gravity, which he fell to his face first. Bokuto frowned before looking up with a pain expression.

But soon he put his hat back to his head before smiling, "At least nobody would tease me for my bad hair day,"

He grabbed his bag and made his way to the school. Little did he know, he's forgetting something behind. When he got to the front school, the reactions that he received were worse than what he expected. A lot of girls gasped at his outfit today but Bokuto was clueless.

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